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School Year 2024-2025 
According to the Teacher and Student Success Act, SB 149, from the 2019 general session, under section 53G-7-1206 (4)(a), it requires, “An LEA governing board shall adopt an LEA governing board student success framework to provide guidelines and processes for a school within the LEA governing board’s LEA to follow in developing a teacher and student success plan.”
Manti High School
1. Analyze Current Data (Current Year) 

We are using our ACT average composite score to track growth and progress from year to year.

2. Goal

Manti High School will increase our composite score on the ACT by at least .3 by March 1, 2025
2023-2024 Composite Score is 20.6

3. Academic Area
    • College and Career Readiness
    • English/Language Arts
    • Graduation Rate Increase
    • Mathematics
    • Science
4. Measurement(s)
Measurement will compare the end of this year's ACT testing results to last year's ACT testing results.
5. Action Plan Steps

1. We will use TSSA funds to provide professional development for teachers.
2. We will help pay for Brittany Mason, AD secretary, tracking grades, attendance, etc.
3. We will purchase software and equipment for instructional use and support
4. We will use a small amount to purchase books and supplies for classroom teachers