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Welcome to Ephraim Elementary!  

February 4-7: Reach for the Stars Book Fair
February 6: Parent Teacher Conference- SCHOOL OUT AT 12:40 p.m.
February 7: Parent Teacher Conference- NO SCHOOL
February 17: President's Day- NO SCHOOL
February 20: 1/2 day SCHOOL OUT @ 11:40 a.m. - LUNCH 1 HOUR EARLY
March 6: Spring Pictures/5th Grade Graduation Pictures
March 17: Big Smiles Dental

March 24-28: Teacher Appreciation Week
March 31- April 4: SPRING BREAK- NO SCHOOL
 Social Media Graphic 1English
 February Theme
SSSD School Messenger
It is important to be vigilant when sending your student to school.
Please follow these simple guidelines about whether or not to send your student to school.
 Need to Stay Home
Readers are Leaders:
We strongly encourage you to make it a goal for your children to read 20 minutes at home every night, and for you to read to your children. The National Education Association states that having kids read on their own at home is a crucial component of becoming good readers. Young readers need to become practiced at recognizing letters and sounds. The only way to keep improving is to practice! The U.S. Department of Education found that the more students read for fun on their own time, the higher their reading scores.