Manti High School
Land Trust Plan
The Trust: Utah’s Land Trust endowment for education 
At the time of statehood, Congress granted parcels of land to Utah from which revenue could be generated to support specific state institutions, particularly education. Today, more than three million acres of Utah land are held in trust to generate revenue for and the exclusive benefit of the K-12 public school system. How it works:
  • Revenue from management and development of school trust lands is deposited into the Permanent School Fund.
  • The Fund is invested, and annual interest and dividends are distributed to public schools.
  • Each School Community Council determines the greatest needs at its school and allocates the funds accordingly.

MHS School Land Trust Plan

        Visit the School Land Trust Website and view Manti High Schools reports HERE

MHS School Land Trust Final Report Summaries

School TSSA Plan & Goal

The Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) provides a framework and funding for schools to improve school performance and student achievement.

Each school is required to create a plan that includes a list of proposed expenditures, an explanation as to how the expenditures relate to the school’s plan, outline how the school will measure its success through participation in the program, articulate the school’s current level of performance on the measure of its success a list of the prior school year’s expenditures, the list of actual expenditures, the school’s level of success on the prior year’s measures, and how the expenditures influenced the school’s level of success.

In developing a school’s TSSA plan, the principal receives input from the school community council, school-level educators, and parents of the school. School Community Councils shall select a component of the approved Teacher and Student Success Plan for the school’s council to address within the council’s school LAND trust Program. After approval, each school posts their TSSA plan on their school website.

MHS TSSA Plan (Teacher and Student Success Act)