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 Invitation to serve on the Manti High School Community Council

Elections for School Community Council positions will be held in August each year. The new school year mailing will contain a call for people who would like to serve on the school community council, which parents can return on Registration Day, or they can be returned to the school anytime before elections, which will be held on the last three school days in August. The last school day in August will be the last day ballots will be accepted. Ballots will include all necessary voting instructions.

Parents who would like to be a member of the School Community Council must apply with the Principal of the High School anytime during the school year. Applications will be accepted at any time during the school year except during the last week of August. If no one applies, the Principal will call for volunteers. The council will have five or more parent members.

Parents who speak English as a secondary language are invited to participate and attend. Prior notice of at least one week is politely requested so translation services can be provided for the meetings or access to agendas and minutes. Minutes are available for parents to review if requested.