South Sanpete School District believes that school attendance has a direct impact on a student’s level of academic achievement. In order to make the most of one’s educational opportunity, a student must have consistent, punctual, daily attendance. Regular attendance and participation in class is essential for students to be successful and prepare themselves for the best quality of life. It is primarily the responsibility of the student to achieve daily, punctual attendance as directed by the Utah Compulsory Education Act, Utah Code 53A-11 (101-103). Parents or guardians and school officials share a responsibility to make earnest and persistent efforts to resolve attendance problems. A parent or guardian is always welcome and is encouraged to call or visit the school for current attendance and academic information regarding his/her student.
Absence- A student’s non-attendance at school for one school day or part of one school day.
Excused Absence- A student’s absence from school which is verified through a parent/guardian in accordance with District or school procedures and timelines. The State of Utah and the District feel that the following are reasonable excuses for student absenteeism: illness; medical appointments; family emergencies; court appearances; death of a family member or close friend; family activity or travel, consistent with District/school policy; or homebound students.
Activity Absence- A student’s absence from school because that student is attending an approved school sponsored activity as a member of a school team, club, class, organization, etc. Students are not penalized for activity absences, but they are required to make up any work missed. In order for absences to fit this category, the school activity must be approved by the school administration.
Tardiness- An instance of a student arriving 1-10 minutes after school or class has begun.
Truant Minor- A student who is absent from school and/or class without parent’s knowledge or has no legitimate or valid excuse. An unexcused absence will be considered as a truancy or “sluff.”
Truancy Notice- A notice sent by the school to the parent/guardian of a student who has an attendance problem. A Truancy Notice/Citation is usually sent by letter.
Habitual Truant- A school-aged minor who has received more than two truancy notices within one school year from the school in which the minor is or should be enrolled and eight absences during the school year without a legitimate or valid excuse or who, in defiance of efforts on the part of school authorities to resolve a student’s attendance problems as required under Section 53A-11-103, refuses to regularly attend school or any scheduled period of the school day. (R277-607-1-D)
Educational Neglect- The willful failure or refusal of parents or caretakers to make a good faith effort to ensure that a child receives an appropriate education, after receiving notice that the child has been frequently absent from school without good cause or reasons identified by school law. Examples would include a parent who consistently fails to get a child up on time, dressed, etc., so the child can get to school; a parent who keeps a child home to baby sit or to work; etc. The situation is defined as educational neglect only when the child’s behavior is under the parent’s control. This would usually involve an elementary student; with older children, the situation might be more accurately defined as truancy. In such a case, the child might refuse to get up, get dressed, etc., despite the parent’s efforts; or the child might leave the house presumably to go to school, and go elsewhere. (Usually, secondary students (7-12) are referred to Juvenile Court, and elementary students (K-6) are referred to DCFS.) DCFS- Division of Child and Family Services
Certified Mail- Notification, sent through the U.S. Post Office, that requires a signature of acceptance for the letter. A signed receipt notifies the sender that the letter was accepted and by whom.
Non-Judicial Referral- A referral made by the school/District directly to a local juvenile authority. A “non-judicial” referral is a referral that is handled by juvenile authorities (not a judge) and does not appear on a student’s record.
Official Referral- A referral made directly to the Sixth District Juvenile Court/Judge.
This referral usually follows a “non-judicial” referral if attendance problems are not resolved. This referral does appear on a student’s record.
The “State Compulsory Education Requirement” (Utah Code, Section 53A-11-101) directs parents and schools as follows:
I. A person having control of a minor who has reached the age of six years, but has not reached the age of eighteen years, shall send the minor to a public or regularly established private school during the school year of the district in which the minor resides. Administratively, South Sanpete School District expects all students to adhere to this policy and other District policies until a student’s class has graduated.
II. It is a misdemeanor for a person having control of a minor to willfully fail to comply with the requirements of Utah Code 53A-11-101 (3).
III. A local board of education or designee shall report cases of willful noncompliance to the appropriate city, county, or district attorney.
IV. The law also allows a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in public schools to excuse his/her student from school, but only when the student is absent for a “legitimate or valid reason,” as described in the “excused absence” definition. Because Sixth District Court has jurisdiction over all juveniles residing in South Sanpete School District, it is the expectation of the Court that students within its jurisdiction will be in regular attendance at the school in which they are enrolled. The Court is obligated to adjudicate truancy matters for those students who are habitually absent without a reasonable excuse. To accomplish this goal, the Court requires that public school officials refer to Court those students who are in violation of the “Compulsory Education Requirements.” Prior to a referral, the Court expects parents and schools to demonstrate earnest and persistent effort to deter truant behavior. In order for the Court to adjudicate truancy, the Court requires that schools have attendance policies that enforce consequences for truant behavior and teach students that such behavior is illegal and unacceptable.
V. Prior to or no later than school registration, the parent(s) of all school-age children and the students themselves shall be provided written notice from the school or District informing them of the “Compulsory Education Requirements” and the “South Sanpete School District Attendance Policy.” Throughout the school year, as new students register, they shall also be given a written copy of this Policy. As parents and students become informed of attendance expectations and requirements, they should make school attendance a priority. Upon parent/student receipt or review of this Policy, parents/students may be asked to sign a disclosure statement for verification.
VI. All school-age children are expected to comply with the mandatory
“Compulsory Education Requirement” unless the child(ren) have been exempted for one of the reasons listed in Utah Code 53A-11-102.
It is the responsibility of parents to make sure their student attends school and arrives promptly every school day. If illness or other approved emergencies prevents attendance or causes tardiness, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school’s attendance secretary and properly excuse his/her student through a phone call or a signed written note which indicates the reason of the absence. The parent/guardian should notify the school preferably on the day of the absence, but no later than 3:00 pm on the day after the absence.
1. A tardy may be excused by a parent/guardian when an emergency situation results in a student arriving late to school. Students who arrive late need to check in through the office. Tardies at the beginning of school or after lunch are considered an absence and must be excused by the same process as an absence. Secondary students may not be excused for tardiness between classes unless verified through a staff member. Secondary students who are tardy or late for more than 10 minutes shall have each tardy treated as an absence. Students, who develop a pattern of habitual tardiness, will be dealt with administratively by each school and will be part of any court referrals. Individual teachers and schools are encouraged to develop academic incentives for promptness as a deterrent for tardiness. Tardy Rationale: Tardies not only hinder a student’s ability to profit from instruction at the beginning of class, but they interrupt the teacher’s instruction and the work of other students who made the effort to be on time. In addition, tardy students are usually in the hallways interrupting other classes and the efforts of other students/friends to be to class on time. Punctual students perform better in school and at work.
2. Schools will take attendance a minimum of once a day.
3. Any student who leaves school during the school day is required to check out through the office. He/she must present a note from the parent/guardian or must contact the parent/guardian at the time of check out in order for the absence to be excused. If the student does not check out through the office, the absence will automatically be a truancy. In an emergency when a parent/guardian may not be reached, a school administrator may temporarily approve the check-out, pending parental or guardian confirmation by telephone or note within 24 hours. If a student who has checked out returns later in the day, he/she needs to check-in through the office.
4. Academic grades may be impacted by excessive absences, truancies or tardies. At the discretion of the teacher, and upon written disclosure to students and parents, participation, attendance, and punctuality may together be a factor of the grade given in some classes; especially in activity classes: band, choir, dance, orchestra, physical education, home economics, woods, metals, mechanics, construction, etc.
5. Every effort will be made to inform the parent/guardian of absences of their student and to work with them in resolving attendance problems. However, parents are encouraged to check with teachers and secretaries, attend parent conferences, and track their student’s academic progress and attendance.
6. Each school may organize a School Attendance Appeals Committee to review excessive absences and provide parents and students due process. Members of this committee shall be appointed annually by the school administration. Decisions of the School Appeals Committee may be appealed further to the School Board.
7. Each school may organize a “Truancy Mediation Program” to assist parents, students, and schools in resolving attendance issues.
8. All students who are absent for any reason other than truancy will be allowed and are expected to make up assignments, tests, and other work missed in a reasonable time designated by the teacher/school. Some assignments or work missed may be of a nature that requires the student to attend a make-up session.
9. If a student is suspended or expelled, he/she will also be allowed to make up the classroom work that he/she missed in a manner and time determined by the teacher/school.
10. The individuality of each school requires a degree of flexibility within the District Attendance Policy. Therefore, the school staff and/or the School Community Council may review the school’s attendance policy annually and may make modifications or recommendations. However, major modifications of this Policy must be submitted in writing for approval of the School Board. Each school and/or teacher may also establish consequences and rewards related to tardiness and attendance. Reward programs must be planned so as to accommodate all students who qualify and be within District and State laws.
11. Students who are absent ten consecutive days shall be exited (released) on the 11th day if no student and parent/guardian contact has been made. In these situations, the school and other agencies will make earnest and persistent efforts prior to the ten days to contact the student and parent/guardian to assist with the problem.
12. The school and/or District shall make allowances for students who may have excessive absences resulting from extended medical conditions or extenuating circumstances. Absences for extended family vacations, with prior approval, may be exempted if the student can document and report the educational benefit of the trip as outlined by each school and complete all assigned work Absences such as these may be dealt with on an individual basis without penalties with prior approval of school and/or District administration.
13. The District and/or school shall make earnest and persistent efforts to resolve a student’s attendance problems through the following interventions:
a. Counseling of the student by school authorities,
b. Enlisting parental support for attendance by the student,
c. Personal contacts and meetings with the student and the needs of the student,
e. Sending home letters and progress reports,
f. Parents attending classes with his/her student,
g. Having parents monitor daily/weekly attendance,
h. Enlisting the assistance of government agencies as appropriate,
i. Recommendation for Truancy Mediation (if available),
j. Submitting a “non-judicial” referral to the Juvenile Court authorities and/or DCFS,
k. Submitting an “official” referral to Sixth District Juvenile Court/DCFS,
l. Providing and/or requiring after school make-up time,
m. Others as deemed appropriate.
14. If after earnest and persistent efforts are made by the parent/guardian, and the student’s truant or excessive absenteeism has not been corrected, the District or designee may make a “non-judicial” referral, an “official” referral to the Sixth District Juvenile Court/DCFS, and/or contact local law enforcement agencies.
15. The school shall keep a record and document the following according to Administrative Rule R277-607-5:
a. Documentation of attendance and academic achievement,
b. Documentation of school efforts to improve attendance,
c. Copies of truancy notices (citations), including all mailing certificates,
d. Student background as required by the prosecuting agency, and
e. Copies of truancy notices (citations) shall be retained in the student’s permanent record.
The South Sanpete Attendance Policy has been established to encourage good attendance and to facilitate the processing of chronically truant students and/or excessively absent students through the juvenile court, DCFS or other agencies. The District has identified excessive absenteeism as 16 days per year. The District will implement and document earnest and persistent efforts to resolve a student’s attendance problems as follows:
1. Annual notification of the District and school attendance policies shall be provided to the parent/guardian(s) of all students during the time of registration.
2. Following the 6th absence in a year, the principal or designee shall make a “personal contact” with the parent/guardian(s). A meeting may be held and/or a letter may be sent if deemed necessary by the circumstances. At this time, the parent/guardian and student will be counseled to the importance of school attendance and the legal implications of truancy. Part of the counsel shall also include possible interventions to improve attendance. Documentation of the date, time, and method of communication shall be kept. Also, the school or designee shall review and take into consideration the historical attendance record of the student. This contact shall serve as a warning and indicate future consequences if the problem continues.
Note: If prior arrangements for educational needs of the student were made and/or the absences were determined, by the principal or designee, to be reasonable, no parent contact, meeting or letter may be necessary.
3. Following the 12th absence in a year, the principal or designee shall make a “personal contact” and send a letter to the parent/guardian and student and arrange for a meeting to discuss the student’s attendance problem and implement interventions. The letter may include a copy of Utah State Law 53A-11-103, the student’s attendance record, academic record, and future consequences if the attendance problem continues. An attendance improvement plan (contract) should be developed at this meeting. Documentation of the date, time, place, people in attendance, and the plan shall be kept by the school. The student and parent/guardian shall be informed that, if the attendance problem continues, that a “non-judicial” juvenile court referral may be issued at 16 absences.
Note: If prior arrangements for educational needs of the student were made and/or the absences were determined, by the principal or designee, to be reasonable, no parent contact, meeting or letter may be necessary.
4. Following the 16th absence in a year, a letter shall be sent and the parent/student shall be notified that the student has been excessively absent/truant and a “non-judicial” referral to juvenile authorities consistent with Section 53A-11-104 (6) shall be made by the individual designated by the school/District. This letter may or may not be “certified.” This “non-judicial” court referral shall include:
a. Documentation of attendance and academic achievement.
b. Documentation of school efforts/contacts/interventions/plans, dates, times, etc. which have been done to improve attendance.
c. Copies of letters, including mailing certificates.
d. Other student background information (grades, citizenship, behavior, etc.) if requested.
Note: If prior arrangements for educational needs of the student were made and/or the absences were determined, by the principal or designee, to be reasonable, no disciplinary action, parent contact, meeting, or letter may be necessary.
5. Student may also be referred to juvenile court for excessive tardies of 16 tardies per class per year.
6. If the student’s absenteeism still continues beyond the 16th day and after the “non-judicial” juvenile court referral, the District shall then make an “official” referral to the Sixth District Juvenile Court and/or DCFS.
7. If students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or students protected under 504/ADA of the Rehabilitation Act have excessive absences and fall within the criteria of this rule, the student’s IEP team (IDEA) or school team (Section 504) shall ensure that the procedures of this rule apply consistent, with state and federal law and regulations.
8. The parent/guardian(s) shall have the right to due process and have the right to appeal circumstances in regards to excessive absences and/or truancies, or possible court referral to first the School’s Attendance Appeals Committee and then to the School Board. Parents/guardians have ten calendar days from when they receive school notification to make an appeal.
9. In order to ensure that procedures are followed, schools should use a checklist or guidelines that clearly describes each step in the Attendance Policy and the interventions used. Refer to the following secondary forms:
“Secondary Attendance JE-1” and “Secondary Attendance JE-2.”
These two forms: the “Secondary School Attendance Checklist” (JE-1) and the “Guidelines for Truancy (Sluffing) for Secondary Students” (JE-2) are suggested procedures and timelines designed to help the school staff work with parents in providing a meaningful and consistent improvement program for the child’s attendance. The forms may be used to document earnest and persistent effort on the part of the school to improve attendance and to provide a meaningful educational program while implementing interventions.
Secondary School Attendance Checklist:
School Year: _______________________
Name of School: _______________________
Attendance Designee: _______________________
Name of Student: _______________________
Name of Parent/Guardian:____________________ Phone:
Address of Parent/Guardian:___________________
(6) Absences: The school contacts the parent/guardian by telephone, mail or in person. It is recommended a letter be mailed home. A 30-day monitoring of student’s attendance will begin.
Date of contact: _______________________________________
Method of contact:__________________________
Date of letter: ______________________________
Date of meeting (if held):______________________
Identify and list future consequences:____________
(12) Absences: The school contacts the parent/guardian. A letter will be sent to arrange/confirm a meeting. This letter will also indicate that if absences accumulate to 16 that a “non-judicial” referral will be made to Juvenile Court and/or DCFS, and/or other local law enforcement agencies may be notified. The student’s attendance will continue to be tracked.
A letter should be mailed home.
Date of letter: ___________
Date of personal contact:____________________
Method of contact: ______________________
Date of meeting: __________________________
Identify and list future consequences: _____________
Was a contract agreed upon by student/parent/school? Yes____ No____
If yes, explain: ______________________________
(16) Absences: The school principal or designee will send a letter to the parent/guardian and indicate a “non-judicial” referral to juvenile court and/or DCFS is going to be made. At the discretion of the principal or designee, this letter may be “certified.” The letter will clearly indicate that if the attendance problem continues that an “official” referral to Sixth District Juvenile Court and/or DCFS will be made, and/or the local law enforcement agency will be notified. A parent/guardian has ten calendar days to appeal this action.
Date of contact: ____________
Method of contact: ____________________________
Date of meeting (if held): ________________
Date of letter: Agencies contacted and date: ____________
Date of referral: ___________________
Identify and list future consequences: ___________
Was a plan agreed upon by student/parent/school? Yes___ No___
If yes, explain: ________
If attendance problems continue beyond the 16 absences, the District or designee will make an “official” referral to Sixth District Juvenile Court and or DCFS for habitual truancy and/or educational neglect. A letter will be sent to inform parents/guardians of this action. A parent/guardian has ten calendar days to appeal this action.
The “official” referral shall include: attendance file, log entries (documentation) of conversations or meetings with the student/parent, copies of letters, academic record, citizenship and the postal receipt(s) of the certified letter(s) as outlined in Rule R277-607-5.
Date of letter: ______________
Notes: ______________
Students who participate in sports and extra curricular activities MUST be in all their classes the day of their activity, or they will not be allowed to participate in the activity that day.