“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” - Booker T. Washington

Welcome to Peer Tutoring!
This elective class gives students the opportunity to work with students with severe disabilities in a variety of ways at Manti High School. 

Everyday we begin each class with a "Quote of the day" and have a discussion with students and teachers. Here's what some peer tutors have said about the "Quote of the Day."

  • “I love the quote of the day because it gives me a new perspective on things I wouldn’t have given a second thought on before.” – Jamie
  • “Also I have learned a lot from all of the quotes of the day. One huge thing that the quotes of the day have taught me is to never make excuses and to never give up. When we talked about Helen Keller and the lady who painted with her mouth, it just really hit me that there is always another way if you work hard and don’t make any excuses.” – Colby
  • “One thing that you’ve done for me that I appreciate a boatload, Mrs. Chidester is present a quote of the day every morning. I won’t lie, when we first started doing a quote of the day, I was pretty skeptical about how corny it would be. But I really do mean this when I say it’s something I look forward to every time I come into class. Even when I’m not speaking, I love hearing the wholesome discussion between everyone. Quote of the day really does bring out the best in everyone in that class I honestly think.” – Jackson
  • “The quotes have helped me through the hard days. All the deep conversations that we had, they helped me keep going on throughout my day. I don’t know what I would do if I did not take your class because it helped me out a lot.” – Ashlee
  • “Another important thing that I really loved this semester was the incorporation of the quote of the day. Some of those quotes were real eye openers to me. They taught me real lessons about life. Lessons that will actually carry on with me throughout the rest of my life.” – Braden
  • “They do the quote of the day to try to help all of us feel more motivated and inspired. They take time out of their schedules to talk to us and try to make us better people. They give real advice and they actually help us. There has been quotes read at the beginning of class that have really helped me with something I was dealing with that day.” – Emma
  • “My favorite part of the class would have to be the quotes of the day. They have really helped me to further myself as a human and as a friend. I try to wake up in a better mood and go and do a bunch of little things to help people.” – Skylar 
  • “I love being able to do the quote of the day! They are quotes to help keep me motivated and to be a better person. It always just puts me in the right mood.” – Trina
  • “Another thing that I think made that classroom have such a good environment was the quotes that everyone would go put up on the board. I always read them when I got into the classroom and I really do take them and apply them to my life. They made me feel a lot more grateful for what I have.” – Courtney
  • “The quote of the day is definitely one of my favorite things to do in this class. Some of the quotes we did in this class were life changing. They really changed the way my outlook on life is and how to treat people and that we are all so strong and ca make it through anything we set our minds to. The discussion we would have after we read the quote were sometimes even better than the actual quote.” – Tia
  • “The quote of the day I feel like is a really good idea. It gives you a chance to listen and hear what other people are saying about some things.” – Macy
  • “I like the quotes you do because it can inspire people to do the right things or even try harder at something they didn’t do the first time. Some of the quotes made a huge impact on my life. Especially the ones about not letting people get to you. People still get to me but not as easy. - Brenden
  • “One of my favorite things about your class was the quote of the day. It changed my perspective so much! It for sure changed my life forever, and I will never forget it!” – Sidney
  • “When we did quotes it really got me thinking like, wow everyone has all had their bad experiences and I can connect to them.” - Zoey
  • “I learned a lot from the quotes every day. The quotes would always be ringing in my head for the rest of the day. I’ve been going through a lot of rough things this year and the quotes always helped. It was a definite highlight.” – Kal
  • “Even if I didn’t talk much I was listening a lot to the insights that the teachers had.” – Truman
  • “I also look forward to the quotes Mrs. Chidester shares with us every day. There’s always something I can take from the quote and apply it to my own life. Even though our class just sits there and is hesitant to comment, I know they also appreciate them like I do.” – Connor
  • “Keep doing the quotes! I love them a lot!” – Kess

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