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Utah Administrative Code - Table of Contents
Utah Code 53A - State System of Public Ed
G - Personnel

GA        Personnel Policies Goals

GAC     Nondiscrimination

             GAC-1 Discrimination and Harassment Reporting Form 
GACA   Sexual Harassment and Title lX

             GACA-1 pdfFormal Complaint Template
            GACA-2 pdfAppeal Request

GBB    Staff Involvement in Decision Making

GBC    Staff Ethics and Conduct

GBCA  Staff Conflicts of Interest (Nepotism)

GBCB  Code of Conduct/Appropriate Behavior Policy

GBD    Board/Staff Communications

GBG   Staff Participation in Political Activities 

GBI    Threat of or Actual Harm to Students or District Employees

          GBI-SP    Sample Letter 1
          GBI-SP    Sample Letter 2

GBH  Staff/Student Relations

GBL   Personnel Records

GBM  Employees Dress and Grooming

GBQ  Early Retirement Assistance Program

          GBQ-1    Early Retirement Assistance Contract
          GBQ-2    Reemployment of Retired Employees

GBR  Accumulated Sick Leave Reimbursement 

GCA  Professional Staff Positions

GCB  Professional Staff Contract, Interns and Compensation Plans

          GCB-SP.         Intern Pay 
          GCB -SP -1   Salary and Benefits for Part-time Teachers
          GCB-A           Extra Period Pay
          GCB-A-1       Application for Extra Period

GCBC Professional Employee Benefits

           GCBC-SP      Professional Employment Benefits
           GCBC-A        Salary Lane Changes   
           GCBC-A-SP  Salary Lane Change Application

GCBD Professional Staff and Absences

           GCBD-A        Professional Staff Leave Policy
           GCBD-A_SP  Community Service Leave 
           GCBD-A-1     Appeal Form for Excessive Leave Day
           GCBD-AA     Policy for Family and Medical Leave Act
           GCBD-AG    Work Attendance of Employees with AIDS    

GCC    Recruiting and Hiring of Personnel

GCCB  Background Checks and Employment

GCD     Use of School Facilities by The South Sanpete Education Association

GCE     Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment 

GCF     Employment Licensure

GCG    Provisional, Probation, and Career Educators

            GCG-A    Letter of Intent for Provisional Teachers 
            GCG-B   Recommendation for Provisional Teachers

GCI       Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers
              GCI- Transfer Request Form

GCK    Professional Staff Work Load and Extra Duty

           GCKA-SP Extra Pay for Extra Duty
           GCKB-SP Salary Policies for Classified Staff
           GCKC-SP Salary Schedule

GCM   Supervision of Professional Staff

GCN   Evaluation of Professional Staff

          GCNA     Teacher Evaluation Model
          GCNA-1  Teacher Evaluation Model (Form)
          GCNA-2  Peer Evaluation for Provisional Teachers
          GCNA-3  Teacher Professional Growth Plan Form
          GCNA-4  Teacher Self Evaluation (Form)
          GCNB-1  Classified Evaluation (Form)
          GCNB-2  Bus Drivers Evaluation (Form)
          GCNC     Leadership Evaluation Model
          GCNC-1 Self Assessment
          GCNC-2 Educational Leadership

GCO   Professional Staff Promotions

GCP   Reduction in Work Force
           GCPB    Resignation of Employee
           GCPD    Suspension and Dismissal of Career Staff Members
           GCPDA Orderly Termination
           GCPDA-1 Clearance and Security

GCS     Time and Effort Reporting
             GCS-SP  Time and Effort Form

GCQD  Professional Organization

GCRD  Employee Use of Personal Electronic Devices and Cellular Phones

GHCD  Drug Abuse by Employees

GI         Prohibition of Dangerous Materials