SSSD Logo Color 2024 01



Approved: 12-8-2004
Revised: 9-14-05 (Changed policy number from GCBC-4 to GCBC-A)
Revised: 9-12-12 (Added Core Academy)
Revised: 6-8-2022


Semester Credits

Bachelor+ 37
Semester Credits

Master + 30
Semester Credits
Re-certification or Praxis Test Mastery 3 Semester
 7 Semester
3 Sememster
Relevant College/University Credits
(See item 5 of this policy) 
 17 Semester  30 Semester  27 Semester
  1. Salaryschedulestep changes for experience are handled annually by the Payroll Department based on recommendations by the Superintendent and Business Administrator and approved by the South Sanpete Board of Education.
  1. The credits for the Bachelor + 20 and Bachelor + 37 hour Lanes must be earned after completionofthe Bachelor’s The Master’s + 30 lane credits must be earned after completing the Master’s Degree.
  1. For converting semester hours to quarter hours, multiply the number of semester hours by 1.5. (For example: 20 Semester Hours x 1.5 = 30 Quarter Hours)
  1. Re-certificationCreditis acceptable when it contributes directly to the specific assignment of the teacher and is educationally career-enhancing.
  1. Acceptablecreditsinclude courses completed at an accredited college or university in support of or complementary to the candidate’s relevant teaching assignment. These credits are typically earned through upper division courses, but may include some introductory courses, if applicable.
  1. Horizontallanechanges, made by earning additional hours of credit or a higher degree, are not automatically handled by the District’s Payroll Department. Teachers who may qualify for horizontal lane changes shall complete the following:
    1. Submit a Salary Lane Change Application form (GCBC-A-SP) to the District by March 15 of the year the lane change is requested.
    2. Provide verification for the lane change, i.e., original transcripts, diplomas, certificates,,by September15. If proper verification is not received, the lane change may be denied.
  1. In the year when a teacher changes lanes, they cannot increase more than one step on the new lane. For example, a teacher moving from step 10 of the Bachelor +20 Lane to the Master’s Lane will be on Step 11 of the Master’s Lane regardless of the total years of experience in the district.