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Technology Employee Policies and Procedures (and the reasons why)


Teachers will be given a desktop for classroom use.  Reason: Money, ease of management of files in one place, management of updates on devices, access for substitutes, network and filter work better and more consistently on a wired network, access to projectors.
Teachers may also have an iPad. If it is not used, it will be required to be turned in. Reason: Students and teachers having the same device is beneficial, being familiar with a device requires usage
Paras will have access to a desktop, iPad or laptop based on assignment. Reason: Money, high turnover rate of paras suggests that laptops are not the best option
Administration may have access to multiple devices. Reason: Job assignments vary, thus needing different tools. Moving away from laptops to iPads with keyboard and track pads. Many benefits of this new iPad.
Any device not being used on school network on a weekly basis will need to be returned.
Reason: Money, being wise stewards of tools.

User Responsibilities

Users manage their data on computers.  A back up to an external drive or through Google Drive is strongly recommended. Instructions for backing up data.
Users have the responsibility to move their data from machine to machine. This includes pictures, music, documents, individual data, etc.
Reason: Faster set up for new machines in the summer, owners are in charge of their individual data.
Drive size from machine to machine is not always the same.  A laptop has less space than a desktop.If accessories such as monitors, keyboard, mice, stands, backups, pigtails are needed, teacher supply money or school funds are ways to make these purchases. A desktop comes with a keyboard and a mouse. A laptop comes with a power cord and plug.
Google For Education (Docs, Slides, Sheets) is the primary software used in the district for word processing, etc. If Microsoft Office is needed, requests are to be made to the employee's building administrator.
Reason: Money, slowness of applications opening, updates needed.question.

Applications on Devices

IT personnel will install applications on all devices and add devices to the network, including printers. Filters are required by legislation on all devices owned by the district, whether at home, school or Timbuktu. For security reasons, users will not be admins on their computers.
Information about Apps

  • Per legislative law: any app that has login information has to be vetted.  A signed contract with the vendor about Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is required.
  • Too many apps that essentially do the same thing or are not used regularly causes extra work 
  • Student safety is vital
  • When requesting an app, two others beside yourself need to evaluate the app, making the vetting process easier for picking up on advertisements, limited lessons, log in information, PII rules, COPPA, CIPA, and FERPA compliance.

Recycling Devices

SSSD recycles devices. Normally, staff may not purchase devices because of:

  • risk management  - making sure all PII is securely scrubbed
  • rotations - within the district, there is a plan to refresh all technology
  • law regarding purchasing school equipment necessitates public sale rather than selling to employees
  • Exception is when the value of recycle is not cost effective

Apps and Software Approval

Per legislative law, any app that requires student login information has to go through a vetting process.  A signed contract with the vendor about Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is required. See list of apps that have been approved for use.
A teacher, counselor, etc, that wants to use software requiring student PII must go through the app request process.
Personal Identifiable Information includes:

  • first and last name
  • SSID (state student ID number)
  • birthday
  • name of teacher
  • name of school
  • names of parents
  • home address
  • etc. question.

Technology Purchases

When making technology purchases within schools, the technology department needs to be informed before purchases are made to answer these questions:

  • Will it work in our environment?
  • Does it pose a security risk?
  • Can we support it?
  • Will it slow down the network? Wireless printers have a tendency to do move this question.

Account Access

  • Account access terminates for all people leaving the district, both teachers and students, on June 30th. 
  • Employees leaving the district will lose access to desktop on June 1st. Also, devices need to be turned in by this date.
  • After 30 days of retiring or finding new employment Canvas Courses and all contents are deleted.
  • District email accounts terminate 30 days after the last day of employment.
Eduroam is a network for educator’s personal devices;  it is filtered and monitored
