Wellness Policy
Approved: 3-8-06
Revised: 11-12-08, 1-7-14, 10-14-15, 9-13-17, 12-14-22, 4-12-23
South Sanpete Board of Education supports a school environment that encourages and models nutritious eating habits and physical activity, which promotes academic success and lifelong health. The Board believes that students who begin each day as healthy individuals learn more effectively and are more likely to complete their formal education. The Board also believes that healthy staff members perform their assigned duties and model appropriate wellness behaviors for students. This Policy encourages a holistic approach to staff and student wellness that is sensitive to individual and community needs.
The District shall support a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. Each school shall foster within their students an understanding of healthy foods, the acquisition of skills that promote lifelong, healthy eating habits, and physical activity. Schools shall contribute to the basic health status of students by facilitating learning through support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity through a coordinated effort that involves the students, staff members, parents, and community members.
It shall be the responsibility of the principal of each school to establish a School Health Committee. It is recommended that the School Community Council (SCC) serve as this Committee. It is recommended the SCC invite others to assist as needed. Recommendations are, but not limited to, parents, students, school lunch personnel, District Board Members, school administrators, health professionals, health teachers, physical education teachers and community members.
Quarterly, (4 times yearly) this School Health Committee will function as a resource in setting, reviewing, implementing, and monitoring the individual school goals within the District Wellness Policy. The school will develop and maintain a plan for implementation to manage and coordinate execution of this wellness policy. The principal will ensure compliance with the policy. The school will retain records to document compliance with the requirements of the policy. The schools will actively inform families and the public each year of basic information about the policy and make this information available on the school website. There will also be information posted on how the public can get involved with the School Wellness committee.
The SCC council will serve as resources to school sites for implementing these policies.
At least once every three years, the District Foodservice Director and/or the School District Superintendent, will evaluate compliance with the wellness policy to assess the implementation of the policy and include:
- The extent to which schools are in compliance with the wellness policy
- A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the District Wellness Policy.
That assessment shall be made available to the public, via, the school website, (www.ssanpete.org)
- The South Sanpete School District is committed to serving healthy meals to children. The school meal programs follow the federal guidelines and aim to improve the diet and health of school children and model healthy eating to support the development of life long healthy eating patterns, while accommodating special dietary needs.
- These USDA School Nutrition Programs shall be accessible to all school children, the National School Breakfast program, the National School Lunch Program and the Seamless Summer Program. These additional programs shall be available to the elementary school students Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, and Special Milk Program.
- Applications for free or reduced priced meals shall be available on the school website, ssanpete.org, near August 1st of each year.
- Meals will be appealing and attractive to children. Menus and options will meet the meal patterns and nutrition standards established by federal and state regulations. – The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. {7 CFR210.11}
- The lunch and breakfast programs will meet portion size and nutritional value standards as set by the USDA(whole grain, sodium, fat and trans-fats).
- Nutritional information on food offerings will be readily available upon request listing calories, nutrients, carbohydrates, sugar, fats, vitamins etc. from the school lunch manager or district school food service director.
- Students shall be provided a clean and pleasant environment in which to eat lunch with appropriate supervision and rules for safe behavior will be enforced.
- Free drinking water will be available through the school day. Students shall be made aware of that availability during meals.
- School lunch periods will be scheduled to allow students adequate and appropriate time to move through lines, eat and enjoy a full lunch, (minimum of 20 minutes)
- The school lunch menus will be posted on each school’s website monthly.
- The district child nutrition program shall accommodate students with special dietary needs.
- The District is committed to ensuring that all foods and beverages available to students on the school campus during the school day, defined by USDA, as the time between midnight the night before to 30 min after the end of the instructional day, will support healthy eating,
- We will follow the current specific standards and regulation as required by USDA.
- The foods and beverages sold and served outside the school meal programs (e.g. competitive foods and beverages, vending machines, school stores) will meet the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, at a minimum. A guide to Smart Snacks in Schools is available at: http://www.fns.usda.gov/healthierschoolday/tools-schools-smartsnacks.
- Ala carte milk sales may be limited to fat free or 1% flavored milk
- South Sanpete School District encourages healthy snacks at all class celebrations.
- The District discourages the use of food/beverages as a reward or punishment.
- Nutrition Promotion and education positively influence lifelong eating behaviors by using evidence based techniques and messages, by creating good environments that encourage healthy nutrition choices and encourage participation in school meal programs.
- All school nutrition program directors, managers and staff shall meet or exceed annual continuing education/training requirements in the USDA professional standards for child nutrition professionals in the areas of food and nutrition annually.
- Each school shall see that the USBE core standards for health are taught in grades K-12. Students shall receive age-appropriate nutrition education that teaches the skills needed to adopt healthy eating behaviors. Nutrition education shall be well-integrated within a comprehensive school health education program and taught at each grade level
- Schools may provide nutrition education lessons that cover topics such as reading a nutrition facts label.
- Schools are encouraged to provide education on Food Guidance using the current Dietary Guidelines.
- School Staff will be encouraged to model healthy eating and physical activity as a valuable part of daily life.
- Schools will strive toward linking nutrition education activities with the coordinated school health program.
- Students shall receive consistent nutrition messages throughout the school, classroom and cafeteria by signage, promotions of school meals and participation in various nutrition programs, e.g. NSL FFVP, SMP NSBP, etc.
- The Food Service Director could be available to speak with parents during Back to School Nights.
- Parents may be provided the opportunity to give feedback on wellness goals.
- Healthy food choices will be prominently displayed in the cafeterias to encourage students to make healthy choices.
- The school cafeteria shall provide periodic food promotions to encourage taste testing of healthy new foods being introduced on the menu.
- Morning bus routes are most often scheduled to allow students to arrive at school in time to eat breakfast.
- Students shall have the opportunity to provide input on local, cultural and ethnic favorites, through surveys, committee discussion and/or voting.
- The marketing of foods will only be for foods that meet smart snack requirements.
- Elementary and Middle Schools are closed campus during lunch times.
- Physical Activity -
- Schools shall ensure that every student from kindergarten through twelfth grade receives regular, age-appropriate quality physical education. (Age appropriate physical education is activity that utilizes movement concepts, motor skills, cognitive skills, and intensity appropriate for a child’s state of development.)
- It is recommended that students participate in 60 minutes per week of physical activities.
- Elementary schools shall schedule a minimum of 30 minutes per day of physical activity(recess). This practice may be waived in the event of early dismissal or late arrival days.
- When possible physical education will be taught by a licensed instructor in the elementary schools.
- The physical education program shall be provided with adequate space and equipment and conform to all applicable safety standards.
- Classrooms shall incorporate, where possible and appropriate, short breaks that include physical movement.
- The District will allow community-based organizations to use facilities outside school hours per district policy and guidelines.
- Participation in intramural sports shall be an option for all students.
- Staff members shall not deny participation in recess or other physical activity opportunities a form of discipline or punishment, unless the safety of the students is in question.
- Middle schools shall offer Healthy Lifestyles classes. It shall be offered 7 periods per day, 5 days per week. All classes are taught by a certified physical education teacher. As a reward, schools may offer a flex period. Students may go outside and play all manner of sports. Schools shall offer various sports in after school programs.
- High schools shall offer classes to fill the 1.5 credits of Physical Education required in 4 years. All classes are taught by certified Physical Education teachers. A number of after school sports programs are encouraged and advertised.
- The District will integrate wellness activities across the entire school setting (not just in the cafeteria), other food and beverage venues, and physical activity facilities. The District will coordinate and integrate other initiatives related to physical activity, physical education, nutrition and other wellness components so all efforts are complementary, not duplicative, and work towards the same set of goals and objectives promoting student well-being, optimal development and strong educational outcomes.
- Schools in the District are encouraged to coordinate content across curricular areas that promote student health, such as teaching nutrition concepts in Math or Science.
- All school-sponsored events will adhere to the wellness policy guidelines.
- All school-sponsored wellness events will include physical activity and healthy eating opportunities when appropriate.
- The District will promote to parents, families and the general community the benefits of and approaches for healthy eating and physical activity throughout the school year. Families will be invited to participate in school sponsored activities and receive information about health promotion efforts.
- The School District Office will support a Staff Wellness Subcommittee that focuses on staff wellness issues.
- The District promotes staff member participation in healthy promotion programs and will support programs for staff members on healthy eating/weight management that are accessible.
- The District will use a healthy meeting policy for all events with healthy food options available for a variety of dietary needs.
- When possible, the District will offer annual professional learning opportunities and resources for staff to increase knowledge and skills about promoting healthy behaviors in the classroom and school.