Extra-Period Policy
Adopted: 4-4-06
Revised: 4-14-21
Revised: 6-8-22
The South Sanpete Board of Education believes that preparation time is intended to prepare and plan. Therefore, additional teaching assignments during the teacher’s preparation time will be permitted temporarily in rare circumstances and only after exploring other viable options.
Extra Period: For this Policy, an “Extra Period” means when the teacher is approved to teach during theirpreparation period; when a teacher is authorized to do an extra assignment; when a teacher is approved additional days beyond their183 contract days; or when other situations arise as determined by the district.
This policy aims to implement guidelines and protocols to ensure the appropriate and responsible use of extra-period assignments. Approval for an extra period shall be granted only in temporary situations and on a year-to-year basis, deemed critical to the school and students' needs. The following guidelines shall be followed in administering the Extra Period Policy:
- Approval for teaching an extra period shall be on a year-to-year basis with no expectation of continuation beyond one year.
- Teaching an extra period is reserved for tenured employees unless particular circumstances arise.
- The immediate administrator, supervisor, or director must complete the “Application for ExtraPeriod”form to receive permission for the extra period in their school or This form must be submitted to theDistrict by May 1 for approval for the following year and submitted annually.
- In reviewing the application, the district shall consider available funding and other alternatives to the request, e.g., revising the class schedule, hiring a part-time teacher, evaluating the current staff to student ratio, reviewing enrollment projections, and re-assessing critical needs of the curriculum, etc.
- Teaching an extra period may be granted for a quarter, semester, or
- Extra periods shall be included in the school’s formula for determining FTEs and student-to-teacher ratios.
- Although teaching an extra period usually pertains to secondary teachers, it may sometimes apply to other If this occurs, the district shall determine and approve it on a case-by-case basis.
- A teacher who is granted permission to teach an extra period for an entire year shallbepaid at a rate determinedand approved by the Business Administrator and Superintendent. If the time is less than a full year, the amount shall be prorated accordingly. However, if the State or Federal funding of a program, grant, or other non-District money is insufficient to compensate the educator at their contract rate, the amount for the extra period may be lesser than the base contract salary. If this is the case, the teacher will decide to work or not to work for the available money.
- Suppose a teacher who is teaching an additional period will be performing duties at a contracted hourly In that case, that hourly rate will be figured on the base contract rate and not the rate which includes the additional period.
- Summer school, adult education, driver education, non-contractual hourly positions, and other such programs are not part of this Policy and are subsequently paid at a lower rate than a teacher’s base contract salary's
- Suppose,dueto unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances during the contract year or at the time of student registration, the need for a teacher to teach for an extra period is no longer needed. In that case, the teacher’s original contract shall be honored without the extra-period funding.
- Examples of this situation may be as follows (but not limited to):
- TheState,Federal, or particular (grant) funding for a program is discontinued or insufficient to continue.
- Theenrollmentis insufficient to justify the extra
- Acertifiedpart-time teacher is a more viable
- The teacher voluntarily requests to discontinue the extra period
- Through the discretion of the supervising administrator or District, the extra period affects the teacher's overall performance and is detrimental to their other classes.