Leadership Evaluation Model GCNC
Approved: 6/11/14
The Board recognizes the quality of Public Education can be improved and enhanced by providing a systematic, fair, consistent, and
competent evaluation of leadership and leader improvement.
The purpose of the evaluation system is (1) to ensure that the best possible leadership is provided to schools and all students in the
District, and (2) to allow the adminstrators and the District to promote professional growth by identifying and encouraging quality
leadership in order to improve school and student achievement.
Administrative performance will be evaluated using the Utah Educational Leadership Standards. Adopted by the Utah State Office of
Education in 2013.
A. Administrator
A principal, assistant principal, or district employee who holds an administrative certificate, which is issued by the Utah State Board
of Education and has been assigned administrative duties by the Superintendent and the South Sanpete School District Board.
B. Evaluator
The Superintendent or designee.
Evaluation Process:
A. Orientation:
Each year, prior to any evaluations, the Superintendent or designee shall orient all administrators in the District of the evaluation
program including the purpose of the evaluation and the method used to evaluate. He/She will conduct a pre-evaluation
conference with administrators to approve, sign, and date the Educational Leadership Growth Plan using form GCNC-2.
B. Observations (Formative) and District Summative Evaluation:
Once the orientation and pre-conference is completed, the Superintendent or designee shall collect observation information about
the effectiveness of the administrator.
One or more types of evaluation and/or lines of evidence such as: self-evaluation, student evaluation, parent surveys, peer
evaluation, evidence of professional growth, student achievement data, supervisory observations, or systematic observations, may
be used to evaluate administrators.
Once Observations and collecting lines of evidence has been completed, the Superintendent or designee shall complete the
Educational Leadership Evaluation Form (GCNC-1) using the USOE rubric. All Formative and Summative evaluations will be based
upon the six leadership standards.
The administrator may make a written response to all or a part of the evaluation and that response will be attached to the
C. Summative Evaluation
Within fifteen (15) days after the completed evaluation process, the Superintendent or designee shall conduct a post-conference
interview with the administrator and discuss the findings of the evaluation. Following any revisions made after the discussion, a copy
of the evaluation shall be filed in the administrator's personnel file together with any related reports or documents. A copy of the
evaluation and attachments shall be given to the administrator.
The Superintendent and the administrator shall both sign the summative evaluation document. A signature means that the
evaluation process has been completed and not necessarily that the administrator agrees with it. If an administrator elects not to
sign the document, it will be acknowledged as such by a third party. A copy of the signed evaluation and attachments shall be given
to the administrator and a copy will be placed in his/her personnel file.
D. Review
An administrator who is not satisfied with a formal evaluation has fifteen (15) days, after receiving the written evaluation, to request
a review of the evaluation. If a review is requested, the South Sanpete School District Board of Education shall appoint a person, not
an employee of the School District, who has expertise in administrative evaluation to review and make recommendations to the
Superintendent regarding the administrator's evaluation.
Remediation process of the Evaluation
E. Remediation
An administrator whose performance is inadequate or in need of improvement shall be provided with a written document clearly
identifying deficiencies, the available resources for improvement, and a recommended course of action that may improve the
administrator's performance. The administrator is responsible for improving performance including using any resources identified by
the School District and demonstrating acceptable levels of improvement in the designated areas of deficiencies. The administrator
will follow the same guidelines and time frame as a teacher using the Corrective/Remediation Model Procedure in GCNA.
F. Remediation Summative Evaluation
At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the administrator's contract school year, the Superintendent or designee of an
administrator whose performance has been determined to be inadequate or in need of improvement, shall complete all written
evaluations and recommendations regarding the administrators evaluated during the contract year.
Parameters of the Evaluation Process:
A. The evaluation process for administrators shall be ongoing and consist of the following:
1. Complete a self-evaluation annually using District approved Self-assessment form and review this information with the
Superintendent or designee before the end of the school year.
2. Complete the Educational Leadership Growth Plan annually.
3. Be evaluated annually using lines of evidence and have a Summative Evaluation every third year on a rotating basis.