SSSD Logo Color 2024 01

Adopted: 3-1 4-78
Revised: 11-16-05


The South Sanpete Board of Education believes that students, faculty, administration, and the District share in the responsibility for assuring that all student publications are of high quality and contribute to the goals of the Board, District, school and community.

The Board is committed to the belief that student publications make a valuable contribution to the overall activities of the school and to students. The preparation and publication of approved student publications can be a valuable learning experience of the classroom for those involved. Student publications are an outgrowth of educational experiences which permit students to practice those concepts and skills which have been taught in the classroom. Therefore, student publications are lab experiences, not public forums. The concepts and skills include working under pressure of deadlines, developing journalist skills, and gaining an understanding of the legal, moral, and ethical restrictions imposed on student journalists. There shall be no publications of a nature that ridicule, defame, belittle, or otherwise injure the character of any individual or group or disrupt the educational process of the school or District.


The Board places the responsibility for proper school publications and distribution of any materials with the local school administration. The principal shall work with his/her faculty, publication advisors, and student officers to develop a wholesome environment with reference to school publications and all printed material published within the school or from any source that might be distributed in or about the school; also with reference to speech and manners of students, personnel, visitors or guests. There shall be no printed materials, pictures, or display of manner or speech that would be, or tend to be, adverse, lewd, demeaning, vulgar, wanton, lascivious, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive to the wholesome educational environment of the school or District. Flyers, handbills, or other printed materials of any nature which are not approved by the principal or sponsored by the District are prohibited and may not be posted or distributed on school property or placed in mail boxes that are provided for school staff.

South Sanpete School District will not accept or publish political advertising on ballot initiatives, Constitutional amendments, and candidates for election. The Board may publicize its position on educational initiatives and other matters sponsored by the Board or having a direct bearing on the education of students in the District.

Violations of this Policy by students shall be handled by school or District administration and may include, but not limited to: suspension, police investigation, court referral, etc.

Violation of this Policy by those other than students shall be reported to the proper legal authorities and/or handled administratively.