SSSD Logo Color 2024 01

Adopted: 3-14-78
Revised: 11-16-05 (Revised and changed title from "Summer School" to "Summer
School and After-School Programs.")


South Sanpete Board of Education recognizes that in some situations instructional programs may need to continue beyond the limits of the regular school day or year. When the budget allows, the Board authorizes the District administration to organize and direct summer programs and after-school programs which provide opportunities for enrichment and re-mediation for special needs students, students in pre-school through 12th grade, and/or adult education.


1. The District may sponsor these types of programs that include opportunities for enrichment and re-mediation of students.

2. These programs operating within District must have the prior approval of the District administration and operate under its rules, budget and guidelines.

3. The staff for these programs shall be sought first among current staff members of the District with proper state certification.

4. The curriculum for these programs shall be established in line with the needs of students.

5. The District shall have the right to cancel announced summer courses or after-school programs for which there is not sufficient enrollment or funds.

6. Adult education and YIC programs may continue during the summer providing there is adequate funding.

7. Staff compensation will be based upon available funding and may be lesser than contract wages.

8. Any fees associated with these programs and courses will be set by the District and approved by the Board.

9. Students living outside our District boundaries may be allowed to enroll in these programs and courses based upon availability. If there is available space, these students may be assessed a fee based upon the program(s) or course(s) they enroll in. Special needs children living outside District boundaries will not be allowed to enroll.