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Adopted: 6-29-76
Revised: 9-14-05 (Approved) Combined Policy GBCB “Staff Ethics” with Policy GBC “Staff Conduct.”
Revised: 11-11-2020, 5/12/21

An effective educational program requires the services of men and women of integrity, high ideals, and human understanding. South Sanpete School District employees should strive to create an atmosphere that will nurture to fulfill the potential of each student. The educator should demonstrate responsible and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, parents, and the community. This professional code is intended to govern the profession.

To maintain and promote these essentials, all employees of the South Sanpete School District are expected to maintain high standards in their school relationships. These standards include the following:

The South Sanpete educator should endeavor to maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying all state and federal laws, demonstrating personal integrity, and exemplifying honesty.
  1. All employees shall not intentionally misrepresent official policies of the District or educational organization and shall clearly distinguish those views from personal attitudes and opinions.
  2. All employees shall demonstrate financial responsibility and honesty with the expenditure of school
  3. All teachers shall supervise students, at all times, while in their classroom.
  4. All employees shall not use institutional or professional privileges for personal or partisan advantage.
  5. All employees shall not accept other employment which might interfere with the ethical performance of his/her contract.
  6. All employees shall not knowingly receive, accept, take, seek, or solicit, directly or indirectly, any personal gift of substantial value, compensation, or loan for himself or herself which may tend to influence or compromise his/her employment and job duties or create a conflict of interest.
  7. All employees who have a personal investment in any business entity which will create a substantial conflict between his private interests and his District duties shall disclose such information and shall abstain from any transaction or negotiation between the District and the business
  8. All employees who have reasonable cause shall report any illegal activity (i.e. child abuse, hazing, smoking, possession or use of illegal drugs and or alcohol, etc.) to the school principal. Because such reports are made in good faith, the employee shall remain anonymous and be immune from any civil or criminal liability from that action. Reference: Utah Code 53A-11-402, 404; 78-3b-13(2); and Utah Adm. Rule R300-401-3

The South Sanpete educator, after qualifying in a manner established by law or regulation, shall assume responsibilities for professional teaching practices and professional performance and shall continually strive to demonstrate competence.

    1. All employees shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a responsibility based on professional qualifications and shall adhere to the terms of a contract or appointment.
    2. All employees shall comply with local School Board policies, Utah State Board of Education regulations, and other applicable state and federal
                    Utah Admin. Rules R277-217-2, -3, -4, and -5 (February 7, 2020)

The South Sanpete employee, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall accord just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession.

  1. All employees shall not reveal confidential information except to his superior concerning colleagues unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by
  2. All employees shall not willfully make false statements about a fellow employee or the school
  3. All employees shall adhere to local School Board policies and legal statutes regarding dismissal.

The South Sanpete educator, in accepting a position of public trust, should respect the dignity, individuality, and culture of each student.

  1. The educator shall deal considerately and justly with each student and shall seek to resolve problems including discipline according to law and School Board
  2. The educator shall not intentionally expose the student todisparagement in any form, i.e. something that derogates or casts in a bad light, as a remark or censorious essay. 
  3. The educator shall not reveal confidential information except to his superior concerning students unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by
  4. The educator shall make a reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions detrimental to learning, health, or
  5. The educator shall endeavor to present facts without
  6. The educator shall assist the student to achieve effective
  7. The educator may not charge any fees to students which do not appear on the District’s Fee

               Utah Code § 63G-7-301(3)(a)(i), (b) (2020)


The South Sanpete educator, in fulfilling citizenship responsibilities in the community, should cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community. Reference: Utah State Professional Practices Commission

  1. The educator shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political and citizenship rights and responsibilities.
  2. The educator shall make a reasonable effort to communicate to parents’ information which should be revealed in the interest of the
  3. The educator shall endeavor to understand community cultures and relate the home environment of students of the
  4. The educator shall manifest a positive role in school public
  1. The Board expects employees to live a standard of personal conduct and dress appropriately in the school buildings, on school grounds, and at school activities which shall be above reproach and which shall contribute to a high morale in the school and a wholesome school
  2. Responsibility for acceptable conduct and dress will rest primarily with the employee as a professional individual as long as it is within the bounds of professional standards and does not affront community tastes or
  3. In extreme cases, an administrative superior may require acceptable conduct and/or dress on the part of the employee.
                Cross Reference: District Policies: CCA-8-1 and GBM