SSSD Logo Color 2024 01

Clearance and Security

Approved:       11/9/22


The Board recognizes that specific assignments require access to facilities that involve clearance, security, and work in partnership with other entities. The purpose of this policy is for district employees to understand they are required to meet clearance approval from these entities to gain and retain employment.

Employment at Central Utah Academy (CUA) or Youth in Custody (YIC) homes is contingent on obtaining and maintaining clearance and security clearance from the Utah Department of Corrections (UDC) and YIC home partners. In addition, all employees hired to work at CUA or YIC are expected to abide by all UDC and YIC rules, regulations, and applicable service agreements. 

CUA employees are required to sign a Volunteer/Contract Staff Agreement with UDC periodically. Failure to meet any of the conditions outlined by UDC will be considered a violation of District Policy and are grounds for termination.

YIC employees are required to sign a code of conduct and abide by all YIC home rules. Failure to meet any of the conditions outlined by YIC will be considered a violation of District Policy and are grounds for termination.

