MES New 20202

MES Community Council Meeting 

March 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Held in MES Faculty Room 


  1. February 2024 CC Minutes  (Action)
  2. Reports on School Events (Information): Parent Teacher Conferences, White Ribbon/Career Week
  3. Assessment Schedule 
  4. PCBL Update (Information)
    1. Portrait of a Graduate
  5. 2024-2025 Trustland Plan (Draft) (Discussion, Action)
    1. We have been allocated an estimated $77,767 for 2024-2025
    2. Council Approval if no further action is needed
      1. If council would like to revise proposed plan, we will need to meet and approve plan on April 5th 
  6. Community Council Signature Form 
  7. Items from Council Members


1 No School

6 Community Council @ 1:00

7 Squeak Assembly

12 Spring Pictures

13 School Board Meeting

21-22 Literacy Promise Conference

25-29 PTO Safety Week

25 Principal’s Meeting

29 Quarter 3 Celebration

Soaring of Eagles


1-5 Spring Break

3 Para Appreciation Day (Includes specialists).  We will give them a thankyou the next Wednesday 

11 Ballet West Assembly

15-19 RISE Testing Starts this week (Writing, Science, Reading, Math)

17 Kindergarten Registration

18 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill

26 Soaring of Eagles 

29 Family STEM Night in conjunction with 4H


1 Red Cross Blood Drive 

3 School Lunch Hero Day

6-10 Teacher Appreciation

8 School Nurse Day


16 NOVA Graduation??

17 5th Grade Soar!

21 May Day Practice at MHS

22 May Day at MHS 9:00

23 Park Day at Manti City Park

24 Last Day of School!  Out at 10:00