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MES New 20202

The duties of the Manti Elementary School Community Council are to advise and make recommendations to the school, school district administrators, and the South Sanpete School Board regarding our school and our programs, and other issues relating to the environment of the school. 

  1.    A school improvement plan;                                
  2.    A reading achievement plan;
  3.    The School Land Trust program;
  4.    Review and discuss a report about internet filtering, technology, reporting policies;


The Community Council has six members; four parents, one teacher, and the principal.  Membership on the Community Council is limited to parents of children who will be enrolled in Manti Elementary School next school year and faculty members currently employed by South Sanpete School District and assigned to our school.  Parent members of the Community Council are elected by a majority vote of the parents that have children enrolled in Manti Elementary School. A majority vote will be defined as being named on over half of the ballots that are cast. If two nominees do not receive a majority of the votes, a runoff election will be held.  The four parents with the highest vote total will be included in the runoff election. The parents receiving the most votes in the runoff election will fill the vacant seat or seats.  

Each member of the council will serve a 2-year term. If a position on the council remains unfilled following the election, the other parents on the committee will appoint a parent who is the parent of a child who will be enrolled in Manti Elementary School next school year to fill the position.  If a parent resigns from a position on the Community Council, the parents on the council will appoint a parent who is the parent of a child currently enrolled in Manti Elementary School to fill the position. That parent will serve for the remainder of time the original member was elected to. Community Council members may serve a maximum of three successive terms. Teachers are not eligible to fill parent positions on the Community Council.  


Nominations to the Community Council may be done in writing or by phone 435-835-2271.  Any parent of a child currently enrolled in Manti Elementary School may make nominations.  You may nominate yourself or someone else. Nominees will be contacted before their names are placed on the ballot.