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MES New 20202

Manti Elementary School Community Council Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2024

Meeting called to order by Rose Carlie. 

Council Members in attendance: Erin Cluff, Elise VanOrman, Staci Meacham, Cami Hintze, Cassidy Goold, Dave Ipson, Sheri Henningson, Rose Carlie.

Minutes from the November meeting were approved. A motion to approve minutes was made by Elise VanOrman, 2nd by Cami Hintze, all were in favor.

MES Updates: January teacher training day worked well, gave elementary school students an extra day of Christmas break. Teachers were able to look at Acadience scores and meet together to set plans to help with reading and math growth. Valentines Day classroom celebrations will take place on February 14. HIgh school students from Manti High School visited the 4th graders for Pathway Days. 4th grade students were able to participate in activities within selected careers and technology. The Kids Read Now program will be available to students K-3 again this year. Households are able to opt out of the program if they are not interested. White ribbon week will be February 20-23. Internet safety and digital citizenship will be the focus. Each day of the week will be a “dress up” day for example, crazy sock day, hat day, ect. Digital and paper fliers will be sent home with students.

Current Trustland plan was reviewed. 

Mid Year assessments were given before Christmas break this year instead after as in previous years. As of December (2023)  there has been a 61% growth with Acadience Reading. Acadience Reading is given to K-5. Acadience Math is given to K-3. At the end of last year (2022-23), we were at 58%. Rose talked about using the internet program XtraMath with her children and suggested using it in the classrooms so that each student can memorize multiplication and division facts.

Discussion on the 2024-2025 school plan with areas of greatest concern. Alps was brought up and suggested getting some way to have a program within our school and/or district to help those students who have moved beyond what is being taught in the classroom. Possibly get some teacher training that can help teachers implement it in the classroom. Last year 4th and 5th grade started a similar rotation schedule where students are ability grouped so that teachers are able to better serve the needs of students that are on different levels in learning. Suggestion of getting a Really Great Reading program for the 4th and 5th grade next year to help in their reading curriculum. Setting realistic goals for growth with reading, language arts, and math to help students keep progressing. CC members felt that it was important to keep the art program and integrate math and language arts into next year's curriculum. Members felt that it was important to keep professional development day for teachers to help them improve and continue learning new things that can be used in the classroom to help students.

Staci asked about doing more cultural assemblies and activities. Looking into programs that will come into school for free and checking on if funds can be used for such assemblies.  Question was brought up about doing a different fundraiser other than the chocolate fundraiser, one where all the money that is raised will go straight to the school instead of a portion going to a 3rd party.

Gov. Cox's letter to schools/districts on cell phones in the classroom was read. A discussion was held on ideas of how to integrate it into an Elementary classroom. Most of the concern was the distraction of Smart watches where students are playing games or calling parents to come and get them from school and the teacher or office is not aware of the phone call made or that the student was being picked up. Concerns with upper grades who have smartphones that they take out to recess. POssible solution: students turn them off or put them on silent and kept in their backpacks. They would be able to check them during lunch and after school to see if they have a message from a parent needing them to walk home, go home with someone, ect. 

Cami Hintze motioned to end the meeting, Eric Cluff 2nds, all were in favor. 

Next Meeting: March 6, 2024