MES New 20202

 2023-2024 Trustland

 Trustland Summary Report 2022-2023



Estimated/Budgeted Cost 


Salaries/Employee Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)


Hire paraprofessionals to assist in reading and math interventions ($53,000) and pay portion of our Beverley Taylor Sorensen Arts teachers salary ($5,000) who integrates literacy and math into lesson and activities.

Books, Ebooks, online curriculum/subscriptions


Continue implementation of Leader in Me by purchasing annual Leader in Me membership ($8,075). This has helped students become more self directed learners, more confident leaders, etc. Purchase books and/or textbooks for math and reading interventions (41,435).

Technology related supplies-$5,000 each - devices, computers, E-readers, flash drives, cables monitor stands


Improve technology in classroom so students can access math and reading material during Tier I and Tier II interventions by purchasing iPads ($5,000) and printers ($1,500).

Professional development requiring an overnight stay (travel, meals, hotel, registration, per-diem)


Provide Professional Development for school staff in the areas of math and reading.



Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Estimated Cost (entered by the school)
Professional development requiring an overnight stay (travel, meals, hotels, registration, per-diem) $2,000.00
Technology related supplies < $5,000 each - devices, computers, E-readers, flash drives, cables,
monitor stands.                             
Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes).                       
Books, Ebooks, online, curriculum/subscriptions
                                                        $ 9,510.00

Funding Estimates 
Carry-over from 2020-2021
Distribution for 2021-2022
                                            Total Available Funds for 2021-2022
Estimated Funds to be Spent in 2021-2022
Estimated Carry-over from 2021-2022
Estimated Distribution for 2022-2023
                                            Total Available Funds for 2022-2023
Summary of Estimated Expenditures for 2022-2023
Estimated Carry-over to 2023-2024