Students riding the bus must adhere to the following rules to ensure bus drivers can give full attention to driving safety:
- Students are required to obey the driver and show him respect.
- Arrive at the bus stop early. Students will only be picked up at a bus stop.
- Form a single line for boarding the bus.
- Be orderly and polite while riding the bus.
- Board the bus without shoving, hitting, or other rowdiness.
- Find their seats immediately.
- Stay seated while the bus is in motion.
- Refrain from loud, boisterous or profane language.
- Be courteous to other passengers and to the driver.
- Food, pop and candy will not be allowed on the bus.
- Exit the bus orderly after the bus comes to a complete stop.
The school schedules all buses for field trips and each bus is under the direction of the driver and a faculty member(s). All students are required to return to the school on their assigned bus, unless prior arrangements have been made before ever leaving the school (Students will be released only to parents, not to other students.) Fighting, throwing, yelling, vulgar language, or inappropriate gestures/behavior on any bus will not be tolerated. Violators may be assigned seats, lose bus privileges or be suspended from school. Vandalism on a school bus will be treated the same as any vandalism of school property.
In the event a student’s actions interfere with bus rules, the following actions will be taken.
- The bus driver will notify the student that he/she is in violation of a rule. The school administration or bus driver will then contact the parents. A student may qualify for a ticket at the discretion of the administration.
- Continued violation of rules by a student will result in a meeting with the driver, parent, student and Administration. The student may receive a 1 to 5 day bus suspension. Anyone with pop on the bus will receive a 2-day bus suspension.
- Continued violation of rules by a student will result in suspension of bus privileges for a period of 10 days or more. A meeting with a parent is required prior to a student being allowed back on the bus.
Ephraim students will not be allowed to ride the bus to Manti after school unless they have a signed note by parents and a school administrator. Manti/Sterling students are required to ride their assigned bus unless other administrative decisions have been made.