Ephraim Middle School Emergency Response Plan
In Case of Emergency Evacuation
In the case of an emergency evacuation and it is necessary to evacuate the building, students will follow the instructions of their teacher and leave the building through their designated exit. Roll will be called by each teacher, according to the period of the evacuation, and turned into office personnel. Students will remain with their teacher until further instructions are given.
If Emergency Release is Necessary
If it is determined that it is not safe to re-enter the building and it is necessary for parents to pick up their students, this will take place from the soccer field located directly south of Ephraim Middle School on approximately 600 South and 100 East. Students will be allowed to contact their parents using cell phones if needed. Students will be released to their parent or guardian unless permission has been given to release their student to another family member or neighbor in attempting to get students home safely. The following map shows the location of grade levels on the soccer field.
You can access our district Safe School Policy on the school district website www.ssanpete.org, policy JH.