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  • Ephraim Middle School was built and founded in 1984
  • Enrollment 508
  • 61 Out of 172 in the State of Utah
  • 24.4 Students to 1 Teacher
  • 49.7% Free & Reduced Lunch
  • Academic Intervention/After School Program
  • Gear Up Program
  • Americore
We employ educators with an LEA-Specific license/endorsement.
  • Each LEA school employing an individual with an LEA-Specific license will prominently post the following on the school’s website:
    • We are committed to transparency in our hiring process. This includes a clear disclosure on our website that the school employs individuals holding an LEA-specific educator license, along with their specific license areas and endorsements.
    • Let's break down the types of educator licenses issued by USBE (Professional, Associate, LEA-specific). Each designation or level applies to educator licenses, license areas, and content endorsements. This includes areas such as elementary, secondary, and special education and content endorsements like mathematics, music, Spanish, and social studies.
  • Professional: The educator has completed an educator preparation program that includes content and pedagogical knowledge at a university or in an alternate pathway supported by school districts/charters and the Utah State Board of Education.
  • Associate: The educator is completing an educator preparation program but has not completed all requirements for a Professional Educator License, license area, or endorsement. The educator enrolls in a university-based or Local Education Agency (LEA) program. When the educator completes the program, they will have a professional level.
  • LEA-Specific: The educator has not completed an educator preparation program and is not currently enrolled.

FTE: (Full-time equivalency)- 26

Percent Assignments Qualified by Associate Licenses - 8%

Percent Assignments Qualified by LEA-Specific Licenses  - 8%

Percent Assignment Associate Licenses and LEA-Specific Licenses - 16%

Link to: Utah Educator Look-up Tool

Link to: LEA-Specific Educator Licenses Policy