Ephraim Middle School
School Community Council
November 29th @ 3:00 pm
EMS Library

In attendance:
John Gillett - EMS Principal
Spencer Dyches - Chair Parent Member
Angela Gerber - Parent Member
Rose Carlile - Parent Member
Brooke Hallows - Vice Chair Parent Member
Steve Weller - EMS Teacher
Lydia Stevens - EMS Registrar/Secretary (non voting)


  1. Welcome by Spencer Dyches @ 3:04pm.
  2. Motion to approve minutes from EMS SCC from October 18, 2023 was made by Rose Carlile, seconded by Brooke Hallows. All voting members were in favor.
  3. RISE Data Review presented by John Gillett. The RISE website was down so members weren’t able to see the results. Mr. Gillett did let members know that 8th grade math was the only subject that struggled, but overall growth was phenomenal. Science scores were off the charts. This year we have a whole new science department and we would like to welcome Kyle Merchant for 6th grade, Carolyn Smith for 7th grade and Maggie Grindstaff for 8th grade. Discussion with members on the best way to send home RISE Test scores to parents. Some of the ideas were to email them per request from parents, have them call and request a printed copy, possibly put the scores on PowerSchool on their report cards so every parent has access to them.
  4. TSI designation for ELL students. WIDA & RISE tests are compiled to get the TSI designation. ELL students test in February (WIDA) and their results are combined w/ RISE score from April/May. The ELL students are not performing at the level they need to. EMS is looking into putting more funding in this direction to help these students succeed. Our school is on the radar now and we are trying to implement more with these ELL students. EMS has gone from one ELL teacher to three (Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Harris & Mrs. Grindstaff). Some ideas were to use Trustland funds and use data to backup/support this decision. Mr. Gillett mentioned that from the Paths Survey results (checks the climate and culture of our school and what could be improved on for these students. The survey showed we were a solid green over all areas.
  5. Review of the current Trustlands plan for the 2023-24 school year is on schedule. The Study Skills class name has been changed to ELL and funding is needing to go from $15K-$16K to $25K-$30K. Mr. Gillett and Mr. Jones from Ephraim Elementary are working with the School District to possibly put money together to address the needs for the ELL Program.
  6. Goals for the 2024/25 Trustlands Plan are roughly the same goals as this year, except for the ELL program which was previously talked about. The mention of funding for Science may need to be increased.
  7. Next meeting will be February 7, 2024 @ 3:00pm in the EMS Library.
  8. Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 4:06 pm was made by Spencer Dyches, seconded by Brooke Hallows.