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Ephraim Elementary School Community Council Meeting
January 21, 2025
3:00 PM
Ephraim Elementary Conference Room


Council members in attendance:
Principal Gannon Jones
Teacher: Lori Wegener
Parents: Kristen Weller, Kira Cox, Jessica Gordon, Bekah Ackerman

Council members not in attendance: N/A

The meeting took place at 3:00 p.m. in the Ephraim Elementary conference room.

1. Welcome
2. Current year’s use of funds- have used about 35% of Trust Land Funds
A. Inservice pretty much used up
B. Travel will go towards the end of the year
C. Software will be purchased in May for next year.
D. Text funds will be purchased in May for next year.
E. Equipment funds used for year
3. Next year’s plan- foundational discussion
A. Majority will be used towards paraprofessionals.
B. May need to increase Software budget because grants are fading out
C. We are often asked to contribute $7,000 to $8,000 to help with software
D. Keep Inservice budget
E. Travel used for field trips, PTA helps, fundraiser if needed
4. Middle of Year DIBELS Benchmark- 80% on track or above is the
A. This year we are seeing growth with every grade, we are not quite finished with testing yet
5. Wellness Policy
A. Review
7. No items from council members
8. Calendar items reviewed