Ephraim Elementary Community Council
March 7, 2023
Attending: Robbie Chaney, Lisle Dewey, Gannon Jones, Cora Lee Wayman, Brian Harris
Absent: Jamie Nielson
1. Welcome
2. DIBELS-Looking good. Grades 1-3 has 78% of the students showing typical or above on reading growth. We are usually above on the EOY tests.
3. First year with new Really Great Reading program. We are seeing great results with students in the lower grades.
4. Rise Testing- Coming up in April. We are trying a test run on benchmarks this week to see if we can all test at the same time. It will run until May 17th.
5. End of Year Report. All funds were spent according to the plan. Showed a solid improvement on our RISE scores.
6. Field trip up north is over $1000 for 2 busses because of gas.
7. 2022-23 Progress Report- See Trust Lands paper. We are tracking just right for the year on Trust Lands AIDE. Software will be used for Really Great Reading for next year.
8. Finalize 2023-24 Trust Lands Plan paras will receive a raise. So that amount goes up a bit. Student Workbooks for Really Great Reading will come out of Trust Lands textbooks for next year, to continue with RGR. Reading goals are being met with Really Great Reading. PD with get $3000 and some can be from other areas as well; August we get new funds. Field trip money will remain the same. Keep carry over less than $10,000 (Motion was made by Lisle and seconded by Brian Harris on TrustLand School Plan 2023-24).
9. Items from Council members- None
10. Next Meeting- May 2nd