Manti Elementary
School Year 2024-2025
According to the Teacher and Student Success Act, SB 149, from the 2019 general session, under the section 53G-7-1206 (4)(a), it requires, “An LEA governing board shall adopt an LEA governing board student success framework to provide guidelines and processes for a school within the LEA governing board’s LEA to follow in developing a teacher and student success plan.”
School Name
Manti Elementary
Due to the Superintendent
- Analyze Current Data (Current Year)
2023-2024 End of Year Acadience- 63% student proficiency, new Acadience reporting system in July 2024 deleted our growth scores (66% for K-3)
2022-2023 End of Year Acadience- 66% student proficiency, 77% student Growth
2021-2022 End of year Acacience- 62% student proficiency, 74% student growth
2023-2024 RISE Assessment- Language Arts: 42% Math: 42% Science: 55%
2022-2023 RISE Assessment- Language Arts: 52% Math: 37% Science: 55%
2021-2022 RISE Assessment- Language Arts: 44% Math: 48% Science: 48%
- Goal
Our goal is to strive to have 100% of students at Manti Elementary show typical, above, or well above growth based on End of Year Acadience Reading data and increase RISE Math Scores by 5% by May 24, 2025.
- Academic Area
Reading and Math
- Measurement(s)
- Acadience Reading Oral Reading Assessment (DIBELS) is given to all students, K-5, three times per year. The assessment is administered in the fall (Beginning of Year or BOY), winter (Middle of Year or MOY), and spring (End of Year or EOY) to determine progress toward end of level benchmark goals. The assessment places students into five areas of growth: well below, below, typical, above, or well above. Benchmarks assessments will be used for ‘progress monitoring’ and be the compass used to determine student growth.
- In addition, RISE Benchmarks (formative assessments) will be used to monitor progress of student achievement throughout the school year in Math and Language Arts. The RISE Summative Assessment will be used to measure our overall achievement of our goal. In addition to these measurements, teachers will monitor student progress using purchased programs such as ALEKS, Imagine Math, Lexia, IXL, and others.
- Math Progress will also be measured using the new Acadience Math Assessments. The format is very similar to Acadience Reading (DIBELS) in that assessments are given at the beginning, middle, and end of year.
- Office referrals, attendance, etc. will be used to measure the effectiveness of the student wellness center. This important data is vital as students who spend more time in class have more opportunities to become proficient in core academic areas. Those who visit the wellness center will also develop skills to help them cope and develop resilience skills.
- Action Plan Steps
The action steps below will help learners grow in all areas (social, emotional, academic, etc.) to help them progress in reading and math proficiency.
- Hire paraprofessionals with TSSA funds. These supporting positions will include a Skills Room Coordinator, STAR Reading Room Coordinator, and other para positions should additional funds become available.
- Pay for teacher/staff professional development costs such as registration fees, food, lodging, books, etc. Professional Development in Reading, Math, and STEM will be prioritized.
- Purchase Really Great Reading Curriculum, supplies, software, etc and or other reading curriculum as needed. This will help our school reading system become more uniform Pre-K through 3rd Grade.
- Purchase Math and Reading Software that will be used for assignments, assessments, data, etc. Math software includes ALEKS, Imagine Learning, IXL, and Generation Genius. Reading software includes IXL, Lexia, Generation Genius, and/or others as needed.
- Should additional funds become available, they will be used to purchase supplies, textbooks, and professional development.
- Expenditures (Use Excel Spreadsheet)
Funds will be used to
- Hire paraprofessionals as described above ($26,918) in Aide Salary, $2,000 in FICA.
- Purchase professional development related expenses for teachers and staff (book study, training, etc.) ($1,500)
- Purchase Really Great Reading Foundational Skills Program ($4,000).
- Purchase Learning Software for Math and Reading- ALEKS, IXL, iReady, Lexia, Generation Genius. ($10,000)
Measures to Improve Performance or School Academic Achievement
List threshold of points under the statewide accountability system
School’s Current Points
School’s Expected Points
Trajectory Points Needed for 1% Improvement
Did School Achieve the Needed Points?
[ ] Yes [ ] No