Manti Elementary Community Council Meeting
Held March 5, 2025 at 1:00 at Manti Elementary
Attendance: Erin Cluff, Megan Fawcett, Heidi Stiltson, Staci Mecham, Rene Barlow, Tresa Hanks, Elise VanOrnman, David Ipson.
Megan made a motion to approve February minutes. Elise VanOrman seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Mr Ipson discussed the MES assessment schedule. Assessments will begin April 15th for grades 3-5.
Next the council discussed the 2025-2026 Trustland Draft. Mr. Ipson discussed the two goals that have been discussed and asked for comments. It was asked what would happen if we don’t make the goals. Up to this point there have been no repercussions for not meeting the goals. Our reading and math growth will be measured by comparing the beginning of year and the end of year scores. Action steps on how we are going to meet our goals was discussed by the group. Some of the interventions and curriculum needs were discussed with their costs. In looking at how to support kindergarten-first grade we are able to get a 90 day pilot program for IXL for those grades. This will give us an opportunity to see if this program will be helpful in helping students with their math knowledge.
Programs that we are using: IXL/Lexia/Really Great Reading/Imagine Math/Xtra Math/Aleks (4-5). It was noted that some of the council members were not in agreement with the cost of the Leader in Me program.
The council discussed monies and where the funds for the 25-26 school year will be spent. Rene made a motion to approve the plan, Elise seconded the motion. A vote was taken and was passed with a unanimous vote.
Mr Ipson had the council members sign a form acknowledging that we have all been involved in the process and implementation of the plan.
MES just finished up parent teacher conferences. All went well and there were no complaints from the community. Currently we are over 90% participation rate which is so exciting.
Read Across America Week has been good. It is suggested that our dress up weeks are limited. Maybe one in the fall and one in the spring. We did enjoy having the daily themes for the students.
Manti Elementary did excellent on our Sora Reading Challenge. We had the most reading minutes in our region. We also had the number one reading student as well as the number one reading adult.
It has been suggested that as a council that we do something to thank the PTO for all that they have done for the school. They always do such a great job this year.
This will be our last meeting for the year, due to the plan being approved.
Rene made a motion to end the motion, and Elise seconded the motion. A vote was taken all all approved.