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MES New 20202

November 6, 2024 Community Council Meeting

Erin Cluff began the meeting:  Attendance, Rene Barlow, Megan Fawcett, David Ipson, Heidi Stiltson, Staci Mecham, Elise VanOrman

Minutes from the meeting held in March 2024 were reviewed and asked to be approved.  Elise motioned to approve March minutes, Megan Fawcett seconded the motion.  Motion passed with unanimous vote.  

Committee reviewed minutes from the October 7, 2024 meeting.  Elise motioned to approve the October minutes. Staci seconded the motion.  Passes unanimously.  

Mr. Ipson gave a school report.
  1. PTO Fall festival was a success.  PTO uses this as a fundraiser, and were able to make a good amount of money.  
  2. Halloween was great.  One parent asked if we could do the parade in the school first and then do Main Street after.  Mr. Ipson said that he would bring it up in the teacher leadership meeting. 
  3.  Quarterly talent show celebration was so much fun.  Parents liked that it was held in classrooms first and then as a school.  It was commented that it was well organized and a good experience for the kids.  Mr. Ipson commented that he would like to see a talent show held each year.
Next the council discussed upcoming events:  
  1. The Christmas program will be held on Tuesday December 10th at 6pm.  Fifth grade team is the lead committee.  
  2. Currently our school is participating in innovation week.  Mr. Ipson commented that he would like to combine the talent show and innovation week together next year.  
  3. We received a PBS kids grant that is happening through the month of November.  We have a tracker that students can track minutes and earn rewards for reading at home.  It was commented that the minutes need to be based on age.  Mrs. Hanks talked about the school reading goal.  Some of the comments parents would like it to be streamlined as of how we track the minutes from class to class.  
  4. January 6th PD Day.  Legislature gives us a certain amount of training days and we are able to choose when we use them. 
  5. Our mental health team is creating a kindness challenge within the next two weeks. Parents should be receiving information about the district mental health information.  

-After the upcoming events were discussed, Mr.  Ipson talked about our school safety plan.  Our emergency plan was extensively reviewed through a powerpoint presentation.  The “I love you guys” information plan was reviewed.  Each area on the plan was discussed, HOLD, SECURE, LOCKDOWN, EVACUATE, SHELTER. Parking, and student drop off and pick up procedures were reviewed.  Mr. Ipson is going to send out a reminder to parents of the protocols and procedures for dropping off and picking up students. Mr. Ipson reviewed the new locks on the doors and the procedure to enter the doors.   

-Following safety the digital citizenship for the school was reviewed.  Our school has a white ribbon week in February.  Each month has a new focus. Teachers have access to the common sense website with the lesson plans.   

-As a follow up from a lunchroom concern from the October council meeting Mr. Ipson discussed that on average each student gets 18.6 minutes of eating time each day.  The last class in third grade is the class that has the least amount of time.  Mrs. Hanks commented that as of this week the third grade classes have been all leaving 2 minutes earlier to give the last class an  additional couple of minutes.  Mr. Ipson will continue to monitor the lunchroom to ensure that students are getting enough time to eat.  

-Additional follow up regarding the early dismissal for the school on holidays and special days. Beginning now the school is going to switch all early dismissal to 12:30.  The information for this change will go out on Binderly as well as it has been sent home on the monthly student lunch calendar.  

Megan motioned to adjourn the meeting, Heidi seconded.  Vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.  

Next meeting will be February 5th at 1pm.