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MES New 20202

 MES Community Council Meeting 

March 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Held in MES Faculty Room 

Called to order by: Rose Carlie

Council members In attendance:  Staci Meacham, Dave Ipson, Erin Cluff, Rose Carlie, Sheri Henningson

Absent: Cami Hintze, Cassidy Goold, Elise VanOrman

Minutes from the February meeting were approved. A follow up on February minutes on the gifted and talented classes and programs. A suggestion would be having school spelling bees, genius hours, science fairs, and or historical figures presentations.  A motion to approve minutes was made by Erin Cliff, 2nd Staci Meacham, all were in favor.

Parent teacher conferences went well. CC members like the two days of parent teacher conferences and then no school on Friday. White ribbon week/career week was a success. Students each got a white band bracelet to wear.

2024 assessment schedule was shown. Testing will start after spring break this year.

Update on PCBL information on the district wide K-12, Portrait of a Graduate will be available for viewing on the school district website soon.

2024-2025 Trustland Plan (draft) was reviewed and discussed. $77,767 for the 2024-2025 school year. About the same amount as previous year. Trustland money will help with the school goal of all students at MES having 100% growth in reading and math. Focus on reading and math by using and comparing data, progress monitoring with Acadience and Dibels. Paraprofessionals and staff will be hired for math and reading intervention. The Beverly Arts program will integrate reading and math into their program. Ipads and other math and reading tools that will help proficiency in subjects will be purchased. The Leader In Me Program will be paid for. Really Great Reading curriculum will be purchased along with Xtra Math that will be an option to use in the classroom. Professional training for math and literacy instruction and skills along with the registration fees for Rural Schools and Wasatch Reading Summit will be included in the plan. A motion to approve the plan by Erin Cluff, 2nd Staci Meacham, all were in favor.

Items for council members: Fundraiser ideas/. Rose talked about a possible Read-A-Thon where students ask for pledges for reading minutes. Visited idea on doing a calendar fundraiser where you pick a day on a calendar and donate that much money depending on the day that was chosen and students would read that many minutes a day. A jump-a-thon idea was presented. The fundraiser would be where 100% of the money would go directly back to the school to use for field trips, assemblies, classroom items, etc.

Motion to end the meeting by Erin Cluff, 2nd Staci Meacham, all were in favor

Next meeting will be on April 9th @ 1:00