Manti Elementary
Community Council Agenda
November 1, 2023
Held in the Faculty Room of Manti Elementary @ 1:00
In attendance: Staci Meacham, Rose Carlisle, VanOrman, Cami Wintch, Sheri Henningson, Dave Ipson. Erin Cluff and Cassidy Goold did not attend.
Meeting was called to order by Rose Carlisle
October 2023 minutes were approved. A motion to approve minutes by Elise VanOrman, 2nd by Cami Wintch, all were in favor.
The Fall Festival was a success. One suggestion was to have a stamp or mark when a game has been played so that all kids are able to get the “cool” prizes. There have been more parent volunteers this year than we have had in the past. There were a few suggestions to look at for the Halloween parade for next year. Kindergarten teachers would like the office workers to lead the parade and to have some music played during the parade. Parent feedback: don't have a 45 minute wait between when the parade ends to when parents can come pick up kids. One suggestion was to have the students parade through the classrooms before they parade down main street. Check to see about the possibility of having a full day of school on Halloween and then the next day have it be just a teacher training and no school for the students. The school's quarterly celebration was fun for students. There were games to play outside and each student received a treat. THe Lighthouse review was held this month and went well. We are waiting for an announcement on recertification. The Christmas Program will be Monday December 11 at 6:00pm at the high school. The 3rd grade team is in charge this year.
Innovation week was the week of October 30. Students had time in class to be creative and come up with something new. Teachers sent videos and pictures to Mrs. Mickelson to have a video made. The video will be sent out to the CC members and will be presented at the school board meeting.
School safety plan was reviewed. Emergency plan, mental health, playground safety, online/tech safety, digital citizenship was talked through. There is a free program for parents through Parents can get support to help their children with situations. Monthly digital citizenship lessons and resources are shared on SSSD for classroom use and at home use with families.
Next Meeting: February 7th @ 1:00
Topics: Review Current Trustland Plan Implementation, Upcoming Mid Year Assessments, Council Foundational Discussion for 24-25 Plan
A motion to end the meeting was made by Cami Hintze and 2nd by Elise VanOrman. All in favor.