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MES New 20202

Manti Elementary

Community Council Minutes

October 4, 2023

Held in the MES Faculty Room at 1:00

Meeting called to order by Dave Ipson.

Council Members in attendance: Erin Cluff, Elise VanOrman, Staci Meacham, Cami Hintze, Cassidy Goold, Dave Ipson, Sheri Henningson. Rose Carlie did not attend.

Erin Cluff and Elise VanOrman are the new parent representatives for the 2023-2024 school year along with Staci Meacham and a new school representative.

New Faces at MES: Monica Eliason (Art), Ella Larsen (SPED), Marianne Mancuso (Kindergarten), Maddi Tidlund (Kindergarten), Justin Larson (RBT), Ashley Killmer (PE)

Front parking lot was redone during summer break. Trees had to be removed between the sidewalk and parking lot because of damage they were causing with their roots.

New for this year is the way the morning announcements are being done. Instead of over the intercom announcements a video that is directed and announced by MES students is zoomed through the computer to each class. Classes are able to watch their peers do the morning announcements. A new reading incentive for the students this year. Students will get a reading paper from the library to record their minutes. When the paper is completed they turn it into Mrs. Maylett who will hang a cutout in the hall. When the trail of cutouts goes up and down the halls in both buildings Mr. Ipson will spend the night on the roof.  PTO has been very active and involved already this year.

MES 2023-2024 theme is 1% Better Every Day. Based on the book Atomic Habits. Faculty members received this book at the beginning of the school year.

Community Council training was reviewed and introduced to CC members. School trust land, CC roles and responsibilities were reviewed and introduced.

Election of new CC officers. 

  1. Chair: Cassidy Goold motioned to vote Rose Carlisle, Staci Meacham seconded, all were in favor.
  2. Vice Chair: Cassidy Goold motioned to vote for Cami Hintze, Elise VanOrman seconded, all in favor

MES 2023-2024 Annual Report reviewed: 

2022-2023 MES Trustland Expense Report: Last year 76,000 was in our budget out of the 76,000 we spent under 70,000 therefore we will have the remainder as carryover.  

2023-2024 MES Trustland Plan reviewed: 

2023-2024 TSSA Plan reviewed: 

2023-2024 Community Council Calendar, and Wellness Policy were reviewed. The new PTO president is Becca Dettinger.

Cami Hintze motioned to end the meeting. Erin Cluff seconded the motion, all in favor.

Next Meeting:  November 1st @ 1:00

Key discussions Digital Citizenship and School Safety

October- Bully Prevention Month

2 Custodian Appreciation Day

3 Kindergarten Safety Day 8:30-10:00

4 Community Council @ 1:00

5 Maturation Program

9 PTO Fall Carnival

11 School Picture Retakes

School Board Meeting @ MES

12 RGR Training ½ Day, out at 12:00

Red Cross Blood Drive 3:00-8:00

13 Quarterly Celebration (Fall Fun)

16 School Leadership Team Meeting at MES 3:30

17-21 Bus Safety Week

18 Big Smile Dentist @ MES

LIM Lighthouse Recert (½ Day, not sure times)

19 PCBL Visit: Syd Young

19         Early Friday schedule.

20-24 Fall Break, no school!

25-27 Innovation Week

26-27 Wasatch Reading Summit

31 Halloween/Parade early out.

November: Secure Drill 

1 Community Council @ 1:00

6 Faculty Meeting

8 School Board Meeting

10 Veterans Day Assembly 

13 Leadership Team Meeting

22-26 Thanksgiving Break (out at 12:00 on 22nd)


1 Fire Drill @ 9:45

4 Faculty Meeting

11 Christmas Program @ 6:00 (practice that morning)

13 School Board Meeting

15 Quarter 2 Celebration

20 ½ day, out at 12:00

20-2 Christmas Break


3 Full Legislative PD Day, no students