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MES New 20202

Manti Elementary

Community Council  Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2023

Held in the faculty room of Manti Elementary @ 1:00

Meeting called to order by Lindsay Braithwaite

Council members in attendance; David Ipson, Charea Moon, Sheri Henningson, Lindsay Braithwaite, Cami Hintze, Kristi Hintze, Rose Carlile, Cassidie Goold, 

Non Council Members Present: Tori Mickelson (MES Tech Specialist)

January 18 CC Minutes reviewed.  Approval of minutes was motioned by Charea Moon, seconded by Cassidie Goold and unanimously approved. 

Tori Mickelson talked about phishing scams. There are things that are being done at a district level including encouraging all district workers to have strong passwords. Teacher I-Pads need to also have a passcode set.

Soaring Eagles:  Students earn leadership cards through the week and put them into a classroom drawing. On Thursdays each classroom draws a card. Whose name is on the card is the Mighty Eagle for the week in each class. At the end of the month all students who were called Mighty Eagle run down the hall for a celebration. Timmy the knight from Manti High School has joined in on the run, which the kids love!

Parent teacher conferences were a success. CC Members liked being able to come in and visit with their students' teacher in the evenings after work.

White Ribbon/Career Week: White ribbon week was a success. During PE Mario Kart was played in real life. A course was set up for them to do in the gym. They also discussed how to do things in real life, not just always online. Library discussed how to be careful online.  Students all received a white wrist bands to wear.

Career Week was the same week as White Ribbon week. It was put together by Whitney Hill. Members from the community came into the classroom and talked about their jobs and what skills they will need for specific jobs and careers.

PTO Safety week will be next week. Each day will have a dress up day along with a theme about safety. Activities will be sent home for students to participate in with their family.

3rd quarter activity:  Student lighthouse team have planned quarter activity for next Friday. This will be a scavenger hunt with donuts at the end. Each student will have a passport and have 4 different stations where they need to stop at the learning strategies for school and life. 

Assessment starts the week of April 10. Rise, Acadience, and KEEP depending on grade level. Data will be collected and used next year.

PCBL:  six areas were decided on for Portrait of a Graduate. I can statements for the district and the school will be developed over the next year to help direct in Portrait of a Graduate.

2023-2024 Trustland Plan was reviewed by council members and approved by Lindsay Braithwaite 2nd by Kristi Wintch, and unanimously approved.

Calendar Review.

March 2023 Calendar:

14 Idaho School Visit MES

14-15 UCET

16 Community Council 1:00

20-24 Safety Week

24 Soaring of the Eagles

Quarter 3 Activity

27-31 Spring Break

April 2023 Calendar: - Earthquake Drill

10 Rise Testing Starts

10 Family STEM Night

13 Kindergarten Registration 9:00-12:00

17-21 Science RISE

24-28 Reading RISE

28 Soaring of the Eagles

May 2023:

1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week

10 Kindergarten EOY KEEP

23 May Day Practice at MHS

24 May Day

25 Park Day

26 Last Day of School, out at 10:00

After the calendar review Rose made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Cassidy seconded that motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Next Meeting-  September or October 2023.