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MES New 20202

Manti Elementary

Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2023

Held in the Faculty Room of Manti Elementary @ 1:00

Meeting called to order by Lindsay Braithwaite

Council members in attendance; David Ipson,Charea Moon, Sheri Henningson, Lindsay Braithwaite, Cami Hintze, Kristi Hintze, Rose Carlile, Cassidie Goold

Dave read minutes from the November 16 meeting. Approval of minutes was motioned to approve by Rose Carlile, seconded by Cami Hintze and unanimously approved. November 2022 MInutes

January 3, 2023 teacher training was a success. Leader in Me coach talked to the faculty about empowerment. From a parents (CC members) perspective they felt good about having the training the day after the long Christmas break.

Chocolate Fundraiser: Mr. Ipson was silly stringed by students as a celebration of meeting the goal for the chocolate fundraiser. Students raised approx. $8,000 for our school for field trips, incentives, celebrations, supplies, etc. 

Christmas Program:  What were the thoughts, improvements?  Pickup was frustrating and worrisome.  The way the doors were only a one way door entrance and exit made it difficult. CC Members/Parents  would like more doors to be open to exit through. They felt the program was very good and well done. 

Attendance Goal: Since Christmas Break we have reached 90% attendance most days. It was celebrated on those days with an ‘At 10:00 dance’ party. Students really enjoy this celebration.

Training in the skills room from 12:30 to 3:00. Jan. 25th Tony Loveless from Cedar will train the teachers, paras and support staff.  CC members were invited to attend the training. 

Acadience Reading data was discussed. CC members were updated on reading programs that are used in the classroom.  CC members explored ideas on reading programs and ideas on how to help those students who are struggling.  CC members would like a message sent out to refresh parents on the programs that we are using for reading such as, Sora and Lexia, so that they are able to work on it at home.

Acadience Math testing. This is the second year we have been doing this.  After the 3rd year there will be great data to use to see the growth of math. 

Community members are able to contact CC members through e-mail that is located on the Manti Elementary School Website.  CC members asked for training to help be able to identify spam mail.

Current Trustland Plan was discussed. Our current goal is 100% all students show growth on Acadience assessments.  Action steps and expenses of the plan were discussed.  Professional development also comes from the Trustland plan. (22-23 Trusland Plan) CC Members asked if there were other ways to get money to help with reading and math programs.  Dave explained that we have grant programs that are available.  He presented that if there is a grant that someone finds to let him know, help would be needed by a dedicated person to follow through with these grants.

23-24 School Plan includes Para support for classroom, reading program for 1st, 2nd and possibly 3rd grade. Read-a-thon fundraiser.  Dave will draft a plan to present for the next meeting.

What does a portrait of a graduate look like? Being curious, having grit, being able to communicate with please. CC Members ideas, perseverance, self-reliance, life long learners, 

Lindsay Braithwaite motioned to end the meeting seconded by Rose Carlile and was unanimously approved.

Next Meeting: March 15, 2023

January 2023 Calendar- Secure Drill

18 Community Council 1:00

19 CTE Pathways Day- 4th Grade

25 School out at 12:00, Skills Training

27 Soaring of the Eagles

February 2023 Calendar

14 Valentines Parties

20 Presidents’ Day (No School)

21-24 Career Week

23 Fire Drill

24 Soaring of the Eagles

March 2023 Calendar: Lock Down Drill

1-2 Parent Teacher Conferences

3 No School

7 Spring Pictures

15 Community Council @ 1:00

19-24 PTO Safety Week 

24 Soaring of the Eagles

Quarter 3 Activity

27-31 Spring Break