MES New 20202

Minutes for Community Council held on 10/19/22 at 1:00 in the MES Faculty Room.

Members Present:  Rose Carlile, Cassidie Goold, Cami Hintze, Kristi Hintze, Lindsay Braithwaite, Sheri Henningson, David Ipson

Excused- Charae Moon


New members introductions: 

  • New parent representatives: Rose Carlile, Cassadie Goold, Cami Hintze
  • New school representative: Sheri Henningson

New Faces at MES:

Elisha Nielsen (Kindergarten), Julia Bratton (2nd), Ashlyn Guymon (Student Wellness Center), Lorie Young (Skill Room), Trevor Alder (Registered Behavior Tech), Jeanette Perdue (COVE 21 Coordinator), Kristi Wintch (PE), Cindalyn Maylett (shifted to Librarian), Malcolm Powell (School Resource Officer), Sarah Johnson (Nurse), Amanda Jenkins (Lunch Manager)

Community Council training is available to watch on YouTube. A summary of the training was provided to the council.  Responsibilities of Community Council members were discussed. Rules of Order were also discussed. There were some minor typos in MES Rules of Order that needed to be changed and will be added to the action items for our next meeting.  State trust land fund for 2021- 2022 approx. $97,000,000.  The State gave MES approx. $76,000 for this school year.  Our voice chooses how this money is spent.

Members' email addresses are needed for Trustland.  There will possibly be a link to create for others to contact members due to spam calls and emails from last year. 

New Community Council Officers Elected:

  • Chair - Lindsay Braithwaite; nominated by Cassidie Goold, Cami Hintze seconded. Motion passed unanimously, none were opposed.
  • Vice Chair - Kristi Hintze: nominated by herself, Rose Carlile seconded. Motion passed unanimously, none were opposed..
  • Secretary - Sheri Henningson; nominated by Lindsay Braithwaite, Kristi Hintze seconded. Motion passed unanimously, none were opposed.

MES Vision for the year: Empowering others to become.  CC received the book (EMPOWER: What happens when students own their learning.  This is also the book that is being studied with the school teachers and faculty this year.

The Information MES Annual Report was provided to the council 

Demographic numbers were reviewed

RISE data:

19-20: No testing given.

20-21: Language Arts 41%, Math 41%, no science scores

21-22 Language Arts 44%, Math 48%, Science 48%

Reading Achievement Plan:

100% of students at MES show typical above, or well above growth

State Reading Framework:

Require all K-3 students be given diagnostic reading assessments (PAST, LETRS Phonics, Heggerty) along with 4th and 5th graders who are under grade level.  Students are also progress monitored throughout the year.  Teachers then use this data to plan effective instruction and interventions.

Take home library books are available for students. 

School Improvement Plan: 

PLC weekly with grade level. Data will be used for adjustments. First week will focus on reading, the second week will be math. The third week grades K-2 will focus on reading while grades 3-5 will focus on science.  Fourth week will be used to go over field trips, activities, etc.

Student Behavior - Skill Building Room:

Repetitive behavior that is preventing the student or other students from learning. When entering the skill room students will work with a coach where they are able to work on the skill that they need to help them in the classroom. Parent information will be sent soon to inform them about the skills room and how it works and the benefits from it. Rose asked if there will be communication so that they will be able to help their child with that specific skill at home also.  

School Attendance:

Last Year: 59%; A letter was sent out to parents and guardians about the school goal for attendance of 90%.  To help students be motivated to attend school there will be an at 10 dance on Fridays if there has been 90% attendance that week.  Scoreboards and other things to get students excited will be placed in the halls at school.

Manners Monday:

Students need to learn various skills throughout the school including the lunchroom.  We will be doing a manners Monday where classes and students will learn how to handle themselves in the lunchroom.  Once students have been taught the expectations here, we can adjust manner lessons to other areas of the school.

School safety school moto, Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful (to yourself, others, and the school property)

The Trustland financial report for 2021-2022 was provided to the council and briefly discussed.  

The current Trustland Plan was also discussed.  The goal is 100% of students show typical or above growth in reading and math.  Council members were provided with a description of where the funds were being used (paraprofessionals, technology, etc.).

The current TSSA Plan was discussed (goal, where funds are being spent, etc.)

The calendar for the coming school year was discussed.  April’s council meeting was shifted from April 19th to April 5th so the council could have next year's plan ready for the school board to review the proposed plan in their April 12th Meeting.  

November Action Items on Agenda:

  • Change rule and Procedures

Informational/Discussion Items for November

  • Digital Citizenship
  • School Safety Plan and Procedures
  • Emergency Plans

Next meeting - November 16, 2022 at 1:00 in the MES faculty room

Motioned to close meeting Cami Hintze, seconded by Rose Carlile.  Motion passed unanimously, none were opposed.