MES New 20202

Community Council 4-6-2022 Held in the MES Faculty Room @ 1:00

Members present: David Ipson, Charae Moon, Sonnie Jensen, Kristi Wintch, Lindsey Braithewaite, Becca Christensen.

Absent Members: Traci Buchanan, Justin Bradley

Lindsey moved to open the meeting. Kristi seconded the motion. All approved.

Lindsey moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Kristi seconded the motion. All approved.

Interview questions for PCBL. Asking community council MES Focus Group Questions for PCBL. 

Community Council members watch for email signature forms. Mr. Ipson will send us an email letting us know when they are sent.

School Calendar next year to schedule the final meeting right before the board meeting.  School calendars are available on the district website to schedule for parents. Review breaks with the council.

Departing Council Members: Justin Bradley,  Becca Christensen, Traci Buchanan, Sonnie Jensen. Next year members will need to be nominated by themselves or others. They just need to have a student enrolled in MES.  

Thank you from Mr. Ipson.  We appreciate your service. 

Next scheduled meeting is October 5, 2022. (Tentative)

Lindsay moved to dismiss the meeting. Kristin made the motion dismiss. And Lindsay seconded the motion. All members voted for it.

If the board makes any changes to our TRUSTLANDS Plan, we would need another meeting.