MES New 20202

Community Council Meeting February 9, 2022 minutes.

Members Present: David Ipson, Sonnie Jensen, Lindsay Braithwaite, Kristi Wintch, Justin Bradley, Becca Christensen.

Members Absent: Traci Buchanon, Charae Moon.

Dave read minutes from the last meeting. Minutes were approved and Dave reported the follow up with a safety plan with Sergeant Kirkham being the point of contact with the Sheriff's office.  We need more radios for communications and safety procedures. 

Justin moved to approve the minutes and Lindsay seconded and unanimously were approved.

Gear up and high school CTE teachers came over and gave a pathway day to introduce CTE to our 4th graders. 

Safety assembly on how to be safe crossing streets. 

Reach for the stars read-a-thon and book fair.

New fence for Kindergarten students for safe keeping.

Marquee, new digital, every school in the district. To help with communication.

Discussion for next year’s Trustlands plan.  Data from Assessments are: RISE,(Math,Reading,Writing, Science) Learning has been impacted by COVID. Literacy and Math scores have decreased 7-10% pre-covid, statewide. Mr. Ipson informed the committee about what RISE benchmarks do. DIBELS:70% growth at mid year.  Our teachers are taking a reading instruction class: LETRS. Last year at the end of the year our students reached 76% growth.

Acadience Math Assessment measures different categories, to show growth in math like acadience reading. 

Manti Elementary every so many years we have to do the NAEP: nations report card. 50 4th graders are randomly selected to take it.  

PD for writing instruction. Reading and Math is wanted as well. 

Trust land Plan: 100% of students show typical, above, and well above typical progress.  Strive to help all students grow and show typical or better growth.  Teachers and take home libraries were given money to add more reading material to their libraries.  

Technology, Apple TV, PRinters, help provide access for students.

This year’s budget has increased.  Calculated per student. We have had our population grow. 

Mr. Ipson wants to focus on reading and math.  Justin wants us to make sure that we include Leader in Me. 

We are able to set more than one goal if we want.  We just need to list action steps. 

Council would like to add more staffing if possible to help us reach our goals. 

Mr. Ipson thought that the plan went well.   

Interventions purchased with Title1 this year :  Arrive Math and 95% Group. For interventions for Kindergarten to see if we can catch the kids at the beginning.Starting kindergarten powerhour. 6 paras: 4 with literacy and 2 with numeracy.

Justin wants Mr. Ipson to build a new plan with the understanding that we keep Leader in Me and increase Paraprofessionals. Math goal added as well. 

Next Meeting March 16th.

Did parents like PTC this year?  The parents liked it.

Kindness Assembly Feb. 10. 

Kindness Hearts ticket to quarterly activity. 

Woodbury Dance Assembly On Thurs. Feb. 17th.

No school ½ day Feb. 24. For teacher training.

UEN would like to film our Maker’s Space. At MES.

Justin Moved to close the meeting. Seconded by Kristi.