April 7, 2021
Community Council Meeting
Held at 1:00 in MES Faculty Room
In attendance
Sonny Jensen
Nora Peterson
Ashley Denton
Justin Bradley-- conducted meeting due to Traci’s absence
Becca Christensen
Tausha Anderson and Traci Buchanon are excused
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Justin approved Becca seconded
2020-2021 Plan and Expenses- Mr.Ipson explained that because of extra relief money we have an excess of money that can be spent using our “funding changes” part of our plan which goes toward Goal #1. Goal #1-- funds will be used to purchase additional classroom projectors, Apple TV’s, iPads, and/or Professional Development Opportunities.
School Plan 2021-2022-- Mr. Ipson reviewed and discussed the plan with the council. Justin moved to approve the 2021-2022 Action plan , Sonnie seconded, all were in favor.
Mr. Ipson thanked council members for helping out and being on council.
Meeting adjourned by Justin, Becka seconded it