MES New 20202

Manti Elementary School Community Council Notes from meeting held at 1:00 via Zoom on 11/18/2020 

Members Attendance: Traci Buchanan, Justin Bradley, Tausha Anderson, Ashley Denton, Nora Peterson, Sonnie Jensen, David Ipson

Public Attendance: Amy Rasmussen, Dan Rasmussen

Members Absent: Rebecca Christensen

Mr. Ipson will share his screen and will turn the time over to Traci Buchanon, our chair.  October’s Community Council Meeting Minutes were reviewed.  Justin moved to approve the minutes. Nora seconded the approval of the minutes.

Sonnie will be taking minutes and Ashley is ok with that.

Emergency plans: Mr. Ipson is concerned about safety, He wants kids to be happy and feel safe.  He is excited that we discuss safety as a council each year. Last year we discussed bus safety and were able to address concerns.

We are required to have emergency plans as a school.  Mr Ipson covered emergency situations and school plans for situations such as floods, fire, lock down, lock out, etc. Students and teachers are trained with different drills and practice multiple times per year

Mental Health: replaced our refocus room with our wellness center. The purpose of mental wellness is prevention and helping kids feel like they belong here at Manti ELementary. The Leader in Me is big on promoting students’ awareness of controlling themselves.  Specials are a big part of wellness and belonging. Students also  have access to a school counselor one day a week. We have access a district psychologist and a regional behavior specialist. 

Playground Safety: We have posted school rules this year: Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful.  Playground safety and issues have changed drastically this year.  Covid has changed the recess combinations and therefore decreased our recess issues.

Online and Tech safety: Our district has many safeguards in place. We have a filtering system in place. iBoss notifies Mr. Ipson with a notification if there is an inappropriate use of the internet.  

Justin is worried about our teachers if they are happy and healthy, motivating students. Mr. Ipson is checking with teachers.

“Hacking School Discipline Book”  for each member of the community council.  Mr. Ipson is sending it with your students. 

Digital Citizenship is taught explicitly to our students. Mr. Ipson gave a list of focus for each month given by our school. Resources are available at under Teacher Resources

Innovation Week report and overview video of innovation week projects. 

MES shines Out Service: Students were able to give service to Manti City and School cleaning leaves and trash.  Kids really enjoyed helping and bagging leaves.  Great opportunity for our students to apply the habits on a deeper level. 

CUPHD Grant just under $38,000.  Have quarterly activities, we will give you updates in upcoming meetings where the funds will go to strengthen our community.

Read-a-thon.  Public library got a grant as well, our students helping them by recording our minutes. PTO put up PSA to help kids get excited about reading.  

Dibels: We may do our mid year measurement before Christmas or after? We will use data and discuss it this spring.

Rise: 3-5 teachers are trained on how to give benchmarks. One benchmark was asked to be given before Christmas.

Christmas Program: Kids are learning songs. Each class will be videoed and our technology specialist will put the songs together to create a school program to be broadcast on Channel 3 with Manti Telephone Company.

Chocolate Fundraiser: We will send home information over text alert. Be super safe and keep kids safe: Not Door to Door.  Chocolate fundraiser we do every two years. Money 100% goes to kids. 

Questions or concerns:  ?????

Next meeting: January 20th? Planning in person.  Zoom if needed.

Justin moves to adjourn. Nora seconds the motion.