Community Council Meeting
October 8 2020
David Ipson, Sonnie Jensen, Nora Peterson, Tausha Anderson, Traci Buchanan, Justin Bradley, Becca Christensen, and Ashley Denton
Introduction of new members
New faces at Manti Elementary- Teacher- Tiffany Tidlund, Librarian -Rachael Lundeburg, PE- Mandy Sanders, BTSA Visual Arts- Poiette Lang, Student Wellness Center-Jessica Henry, Star Reading- Jaidyn Jorgensen, Cove 21- Janet Johnson, Head Custodian- Jack Gillett, Custodian- Bryant Christensen.
Building updates- New Student wellness center, faculty room and new ramp to portable.
Review of Community Council rules, procedures and training.
Election of new officers
Justin Bradley Nominated Traci Buchanan for chair and Tausha Anderson seconded it, Nora motioned to approve and Justin seconded it.
Becca nominated Justin for vice chair and Nora seconded it. Sonnie started the motion that Justin is vice chair.
Tausha nominated Ashley to secretary, Justin moved to approve and Sonnie seconded it.
Chair- Traci Buchanan
Vice Chair-Justin Bradley
Secretary-Ashley Denton
MES School Report
Mission statement
Changes and adaptations due to Covid 19
School wide push on reading this year.
Refocus room is now the student wellness center with a focus on student wellness rather than student discipline.
Technology update
Digital citizenship and Cove 21 update
School Safety and Emergency plans to be discussed in November
2019-2020 Trustland Expenditure Summary
2020-2021 TSSA Plans
Review goals and plans, amendments
Look ahead at calender
Approved last meetings minutes (April 2020- Zoom)