MES New 20202

MES Community Council Meeting 

April 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Held via Zoom Meeting due to COVID-19




  1. Approval of previous minutes
  2. School Plan 2020-2021 (Action Item)
    1. Discussion of plan
    2. Voting on  2020-2021 Trusland Plan
    3. School Board review plan on April 8th
  3. Signature Email
    1. Will only come once, if it doesn’t show up then check your spam/junk
    2. Due today so the School Board can also approve it
      1. I need to call the State Board to fix error
      2. Email will be sent immediately
  4. Home instruction
    1. How’s it going?
  5. Computing Grant- MES was awarded the grant!
  6. Title I
  7. Assessments 
    1. RISE, DIBELS, etc. will not happen this year
  8. Elections for next year
    1. This will happen at the beginning of the school year (2020-2021)
    2. A big thank you to our departing council members! 


Questions, Comments


Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 1:00 at MES (tentative date/time)

MES Community Council Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Held via Zoom due to Covid-19


Attending: David Ipson, Jamie Fowles, Nora Peterson, LewAnn Jorgensen, Ashley Denton, Jake Dettinger, Kris Lundeberg, Tori Mickelsen and Tausha Anderson. Denise Nay taking minutes.


Jake Dettinger conducted the meeting.


  1. Approval of previous minutes from February’s Community Council meeting.

Jamie Fowles motioned to approve the minutes, LewAnn Jorgensen seconded. 

Passed unanimously, none opposed.


  1. School Plan 2020-2021

Dave Ipson explained the plan to all listening.

1st Goal - Strive for 90% of students to be reading on grade level by the end of next school year. Key word is strive. Manage this by different assessments. 

State wants us to trim to 1 or 2 goals. Plan to hire more paraprofessionals, improve technology in the classroom (more projectors and Apple TV’s), pay a portion of our Beverly Sorenson Arts teacher, and teacher professional development. We will continue the LIM program as it helps students progress academically.


2nd Goal - Strive for 60% student proficiency on end of Year Rise Assessment on Mathematics.

Renew Imagine Learning Math Software License (Big Brains). Dave explained that our school gets a great discount on the price of this. It is renewed every four years at a cost of $1250 per year compared to $5000 per year. 


Dave explained the finances of the school plan for 2020-2021. He explained the need to approve before the board meeting on Wednesday, April 8. Jake asked for a motion to approve the proposed 2020-2021Trustland Plan as presented, Kris Lundeberg motioned to approve, LewAnn Jorgensen seconded it. Passed unanimously, none opposed.


  1. Signature email. Dave explained that each board member will receive an email from trustlands. Please open and approve that shows you approved in the meeting. This needs done today.


  1. How is Homeschooling going?

Kris Lundeberg commented on how each student is doing differently, but all going okay.

Jamie Fowles said she feels like it is going well at her house. Students do well on the iPads. Jake says they have a few struggles, but getting the hang of it.  Nora stated that the teacher's side of things are going pretty good. LewAnn agrees and added that communication is a big thing and really helps. Students and parents can reach teachers. Dave spoke of how well the teachers and staff have done. First pick-up had 93% participation, school and community coming together well. Nora stated that we really miss the kids. Jake praised the teachers for doing a good job.


  1. Computing Grant - MES was awarded the Grant!!! This will be housed in the 4-5th grade building. Total grant is $40,000-$50,000.00. Money for STEM maker space. Exciting news!


  1. Title 1

Dave created the report, we are audited every 5 years. Need names on the report. Kris Lundeberg, Jake Dettinger, LewAnn Jorgensen, Nora Peterson, Ashley Denton, and Tausha Anderson volunteered.


  1. Assessments- will not happen this year. These tests not happening will affect us for next year. We will start from ground zero.


  1. Elections for next year.

This will happen at the beginning of the school year (2020-2021).

Thank you to departing members. Kris, Jamie, Jake  and LewAnn. We will give thank you gifts when possible. Dave thanked everyone for a great year and all of their service.


Kris and Jake thanks Dave for all he has done. 


Jake asked Dave if he had any information about school after May 1st? Dave told them we have no information yet either, that he will let them know when we do.


LewAnn made a motion to adjourn.

Nora seconded it.

All approved.


Next Meeting: October 2020