MES New 20202

Present:          Karen Soper, Amber Keisel, Lew Ann Jorgensen, Jake Dettinger, Elise Van Orman, Melody Vincent.

-Linda Blake discussed Digital Citizenship and the impact it has on students. She is working to raise awareness and help students be safe online.

-Ericka Vlam discussed the Star Tutoring program. It is helping many students, but there is a need for more volunteers.

-David Ipson discussed the Student Lighthouse Team/Hope Squad and how it is working. Seems to be a great program that will really benefit the school.

-Discussed the Trust Lands Budget and the need for good communication in getting it to balance.

-Discussed upcoming events including Leader In Me Family Night, 4-H Family Fun Night, and Christmas program.

-PTO discussed the flower bulb fundraiser was successful in raising just over $1700. They are looking into some other options to continue to raise funds.