MES New 20202

Minutes from Manti Elementary School Community Council Meeting

Held January 17, 2018

Attended by: Karen Soper, Rebecca Dettinger, Angie Gerber, Amber Keisel, Lew Ann Jorgensen, Anna Egg, and Elise Van Orman  Not present:  Roy Carlisle and Rachel Lundeberg

Chasing Dragons Video

It was decided that we would send an email to parents with the link to the “Chasing Dragons” video and leave the decision to show their children up to the parents.

Union street sidewalk and crosswalk

No new developments with the crosswalk. We are still having a hard time trying to figure out where to put it on the north side. We also won’t be painting striping until the crosswalk is sorted out.  

Sage Modules

The sage modules used for helping students get ready for testing was discussed and really helps as the kids and teachers gear up for testing.

Trust land money expenditures

There was $9,000 extra funds and it has been decided that it will go to Mr. Paul Holper who has been volunteering in special education every day. Mrs. Soper made the suggestion and the council voted to hire Mr. Holper.

Reach for the stars reading program

This program is in process and will culminate with the book fair during PTC February 1-2. This is a good one because when students participate teachers and take home library get books.

Neighbor Thrift Vouchers

The new thrift store in Ephraim contacted MES and wants to give kids an opportunity to get 5 items of clothes for free. Vouchers will be sent home and kids can redeem them January 27th and possibly February 3.

Parent Teacher Conference

Parent teacher conference is February 1-2.


The lead-a-thon made $3500 to go towards leader in me. Not quite our goal. November is not a good time of year, and it was probably too long, lasting 3 weeks. Next time will be shorter and should work better. Leader in me costs $7500 per year and includes the use of the website, a coach who trains the faculty, the Lighthouse team coordinator and Mrs. Soper.  They also purchase Leader in Me activity books.

Leadership day is March 14

Mail theme with letters to Mrs. Soper.  It will be shorter and Denise Hagemeister will do a great job

Family Week- Jan 22-26

Statewide KEEP results

KEEP is Kindergarten entry and exit profile. It determines which kids get all day kindergarten. Because of the results it seems that all day kindergarten would better serve our area due to low literacy test scores of most rural areas, most likely because of our lack of preschools in the area, as well as family finances making it possible to send kids to a preschool.

Refocus Room

The refocus room is doing really good. Some teachers however have found it is easier to deal with behavior in class.

Our next meeting has been changed from March 14 to March 21 because of leadership day.