MES New 20202

Union Street Update

We did not receive the grant, but the City said that they will do their  part to help us get a sidewalk on Union Street, around the school. It will take a couple of years to get the curb and gutter, the retaining wall, and a sidewalk all completed. We will try for the grant again next year.

SAGE Interim assessments and Modules

The Interim and Modules are practice tests the teachers have been giving their students to help prepare them for the SAGE test. Modules can be  done in the classroom, and the teacher can assess how well the students understand the problems so that the teacher can better prepare the students. Interim assessments are more formal and mirror the real tests.

DIBELS reading fluency assessment

The DIBELS testing is being performed this week, January 8-13th. With the results of the DIBELS tests we can better track progress of the students os that they can be put in the right programs to meet their needs.

Trustland money expenditures 

Karen Soper presented the South Sanpete School District Expenditure Report by account as of 1/11/17. Our remaining balance is $25,272.42. Some of this money is planned to buy iPads and keyboards for the school and to help pay para-professionals.

Reach for the Stars Reading Challenge

It was noted that the Reach for the Stars Reading Challenge is underway.

Leadership Opportunities

Applications are in the office for students to apply for leadership opportunities during the Leadership Day in March. There are also applications for everyday leadership opportunities such as hall monitor, flag leaders, and intramural basketball leaders among other things. This is a great opportunity for our students to practice being leaders.

Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher conferences will be held February 2-3rd. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm on Thursday, and there will be no school on Friday.

Leader in Me Update

An onsite coach will be coming in February to review our school and see if we can be considered for Light House Status. February 6-7 will be a Symposium in Las Vegas that Karen, Staci Meacham and Teresa Larson will attend.

Change our school to PTO

Angie Gerber motioned to change Manti Elementary from a PTA program to a nonprofit PTO program. It was seconded by Rebecca Dettinger. The vote was unanimous in favor of the change. Rachel Lundeberg will help in moving forward with the change. This will allow all of the money we make to stay at our school.


Karen Soper

Rebecca Dettinger

Angie Gerber

Teresa Hanks

Jenny Blauer

Eleshia Steinfeldt

Rachel Lundeberg