MES New 20202

School Community Council
Tuesday, 12 November 2014, 1:00 p.m.

In attendance: Karen Soper, Stacey Miller, Charae Moon, Darcie Dickinson, Jennifer Gillett, Natalie Adamson, KariLyn Cox
Excused: Ryan Phelps

• "Leader in Me" updates
o Parent presentation—good turnout, suggestions included shortening presentation
o Change a few things in gym—new art, using Steve Weller art with school mission statement and seven habits
o Opportunity to take more teachers to the symposium—eventually each teacher will have a turn to attend
o Legislature wants to invite some of our teachers/students to meeting in February @the capitol
o Student announcers and flag raisers—students interviewed and auditioned for position
o Will have greeters and hall monitors
o Every student has a leadership notebook

• Trust Land final report

• SAGE testing results
o Above state average, but doesn't seem to measure true knowledge
o Some practice in computer lab could help improve accuracy
o Letter for families along with individual scores will go home soon
• Paraprofessional Day—November

• Road to Success update
o Website a little confusing to parents to input (vs last year), some teachers have students record it on the computer @school

• Union—student drop-off
o Address mud and mess—possible curb & gutter & stairs

• Christmas program—Monday, December 8th

• Parent volunteers
o PTA is struggling to get volunteers

• Native American Assembly—Nov 18, 10-11 a.m.

• Added another iPad cart for school use

18 Native American Celebration 10-11
19 Book Fair (library) 3:30-6:00
20 Book Fair (library) 3:30-6:00
26 Early dismissal for Thanksgiving 12:00, 10:30 brunch
27-28 Thanksgiving Break

4 4th Museum on the Move
8 Christmas Program MHS 6
12 Reflections Assembly 1:30
19 Early dismissal for Christmas break 12:00, brunch 10:30, return to school Jan 5th