MES New 20202

Manti Elementary School Community Council, 10 September 2014, 1:00 p.m.

In attendance: Karen Soper, Charae Moon, Darcy Dickinson, Jennifer Gillett, KariLyn Cox
Excused: Natalie Adamson, Ryan Phelps
Conducting: Karen Soper

Introduction of new members: Natalie Adamson, Jennifer Gillet, KariLyn Cox
School's new staff members: David Ipson, Tresa Hanks, Amie Bigelow, Staci Meacahm, Julie Davis, Rachelle Bench

New officers elected: Jennifer Gillett as chair, KariLyn Cox as co-chair

DWA—assessment of results. Our school was @ 97% in 2013. DIBELS will be used only for accountability and growth.

Reviewed School Improvement Plan, Reading Improvement Plan (Reading Street training in October), and professional development for teachers and staff.

Title I audit—auditors will to talk to parents, paras, teachers, principal

Technology update—Linda Blake is our new tech specialist.
iPads will be 1:1 in two years. 5th graders will receive iPads that will stay at the school but they will need an iTunes account.

"The Leader in Me" program is going well. Teachers have all been trained with "lighthouse" teachers from every grade level plus Special Ed, Tomica Boehrer, and Kris Progrozsewski. Each group has a team. Students are being trained. October 23rd parents will be invited to a special night discussing the program. Part of the program will include having students be leaders—they will apply to raise/lower flag each day, run assemblies, do morning announcments, etc.

Emergency preparedness/Internet safety PowerPoint will be given by Kenny Kirkham
Street safety—u-turn signs, double lines, handicap bus zone marked. More law enforcement may be needed for more compliance.

10 School Community Council meeting 1:00
10 School Board meeting 3:30
9-13 DIBELS testing
15 School Pictures
16 PTA Walk-to-School day
17 Constitution Day
25-26 Parent-Teacher conferences

1 Launch Reflections Contest
1 School Community Council training for new members 3-4 p.m.
3 Popcorn Friday fundraiser for PTA
10 Fifth grade maturation program
16-17 UEA
20-24 Red Ribbon Week
23 "Leader in Me" parent night
31 Halloween parade (noon) & class parties (1:30)