MES New 20202

Manti Elementary                                                    
School Community Council Minutes
April 9, 2014 1:00 

Chair: Junelle Jacobson
Co- Chair: Stacey Miller   

Attending: Karen Soper, Charae Moon, Stacey Miller, Clare Ann Fowles, Jennifer Gillett, Ryan Phelps Excused, Darcie Dickinson, Junelle Jacobson.

Stacey Miller conducted Stacey Miller recorded the minutes.

Reading of Minutes-Stacey

Principal Soper announced that 3 teachers will be retiring and 3 new teachers will be added to our staff. They will be 4th grade David Ipson and Tresa Hanks. We have also added a new 2nd grade teacher Julie Davis.

School Safety: There will be a Facebook page titled Manti Elementary Emergency for putting out emergency information to the public. Everyone is encouraged to spread the word and “like” the page.  Great Shake Out will be on April 17th in the afternoon so as to not disrupt testing. New 4-way stop signs are now in place.  The painting of the crosswalks and double yellow line will be completed this summer. A note was sent home and also the changes were announced in the newspaper so please make note of the change.

Dibels– Assessments will be given May 1-May 16. We are hoping to see some great improvements.

Leader in Me update- Teacher/employee training will be May 27, 28, and 29.

South Sanpete School District will be adopting a new reading program for the year 2014-2015. Teachers will be attending presentations from 3 companies before the end of the year.  Then they will be voting on which one benefits them the most.

Reading textbook adoption presentations - April 1, 14, 21 3:00 EES

Principal Soper handed out a proposal of the 2014-2015 Trust Lands budget and the 2014-2015 Trust Lands goals. We spent the Trust Lands funding in our weak areas of math, reading and writing. It was approved that $22,000 will be put towards hiring 2 paraprofessionals. One K-2 and one 3-5 they will be pushed into the classroom instead of pulling students out.  It was approved that $5,000 be spent on the Leader In Me Program. It was approved that $5,000 be spent on continuing the Phonics program for the computer lab next year. It was approved that the remainder 5,000 be put towards professional development for teachers. (Rural schools, PLC training etc.)

Core testing will begin April 1, 2014 and will continue into May. It is very important to have students get enough rest and eat a good breakfast.

School Board meeting will be held April 16, 3:30 Our Applause! Group will perform.

Principal Soper thanked Community Council members that have served on the committee this year for their service.

Elections for new School Community Council members will be held in the fall (2014-2015 school year) during Back to School night and three days after. Jennifer Gillette, Junelle Jacobson and Clare Ann Fowles will end their two-year term.


            10       5th grade to visit EMS for band/orchestra recruitment 1:00

14       Kindergarten registration (immunizations available)

            16       School Board Meeting 3:30 MES

            17       DARE graduation 1:00

            18       Great Shake Out earthquake drill 1:30

            21       Reading Streets Program Presentation EES 3:00

            23       Principal’s Meeting

            30       4-H Family Fun night 5:00-7:00


            5-9      Teacher Appreciation week

            9          Bake Sale (Relay for Life)

            15       4th grade field trip-Cove Fort

            16       5th grade Maturation clinic

            20       May Day practice at MHS 9:00-11:00

21       May Day Festival- 9:00 am MHS “There’s No Business Like Show Business”

22       Park Day

23       Last day of school

27-29 7 Habits Training for teachers and staff