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Gunnison Valley Elementary Community Council Minutes

October 12, 2023 (Unapproved)

3:00 p.m. GVES Faculty Room

Members in attendance:  Arleen Jensen, Elise Bown, Jentri Nay, Markell Barclay, Mindy Coates, Heidi Avery, Marci Childs

  1.  Welcome new members:  New members to the community council were introduced.  Jentri Nay is the new teacher representative.  Markell Barclay is a new parent representative.  Marci Childs ran again for a parent representative and was reelected to another term.

  1.  Member responsibilities:  Each member of the committee was given a notebook with responsibilities, budgets, data reports and other information in it.  We discussed trainings that are available online and the websites and links were emailed to all members.  We watched videos  about how Trustland funds are generated and the responsibilities of the councils.

  1. Election of officers:  The motion was made by Mindy Coates to elect Marci Childs as the Chairman of the council.  It was seconded by Markell Barclay.  The motion was made by Marci Childs to elect Mindy Coates as the Chair elect.  This motion was seconded by Heidi Avery.  All were in favor.

  1. Review and approve minutes from April meeting;  A copy of the minutes from the April 6, 2023 meeting were distributed to the council for review.  A motion was made by Marci Childs to approve the minutes as written.  It was seconded by Mindy Coates.  All were in favor.  

  1.  Funding:  A copy of our funding report was reviewed by the committee.  Arleen explained how funds were received and how they would be spent according to our plan.  

  1.  Acadience/RISE data:  The committee reviewed the data from our Acadience and RISE testing.  BOY testing looked better than it has for the past few years.  Kindergarten and first grade were especially good.  Math testing is new and we are showing improvements.  On our RISE test scores we have improved from a 39.7 to a score of 47.6.

  1. Trustlands plan:  Our Trustland plan was reviewed and explained to the council.  There was an amendment that needed to be made to the plan to include our new arts program.  Because of a grant that we received from the Beverly Taylor Arts foundation we were able to hire a teacher for 20 hours a week to teach our students an art curriculum.  As a school we have to pay a portion of her salary.  A motion was made by Marci Childs to amend the budget to include this expense.  It was seconded by Mindy Coates.  All were in favor.  
  2. TSSA Plan:  Our TSSA Plan is very similar to our Trustlands plan.  All the goals, assessments  and the action plans were reviewed.

  1.  Title 1:  Our Title 1 funding plan works in accordance with our Trustlands fundings.  Funds are used to purchase textbooks, supplies and inservice training for teachers and paraeducators.

  1.  Safe technology and Digital Citizenship:   Monthly lessons are taught to all students either in the classroom or in the computer lab by Alaura Stickney.  All technology is heavily filtered  and reviewed by the district and/or the principal.  There is a plan that is implemented throughout the school and  the committee is responsible to review it yearly.

  1.  Safety principles:  The committee reviewed our emergency preparedness plan as well as our reunification plan.  Procedures were explained according to what the emergency is.  We practice different drills monthly according to our schedule.  All plans are available to be reviewed in the office.  

  1.  Wellness policy:  The committee was asked to read through the wellness policy.  We will review it next month.  We are required to review the wellness policy quarterly.

  1.  PIC:  The parent involvement committee is organized and assignments have been made for the year.  The pizza fundraiser is underway.  The president for this year will be Sara Ellsworth.

  1.  Halloween parade:  Discussion was held about the Halloween parade.  It was decided unanimously to continue holding it.  It will be held in front of the school at 1 pm on October 31st.

  1.  Christmas celebration:  Our Christmas program will be held on December 13 at the high school gymnasium.  There will be a matinee held at our school at 1 pm that day.  

  1.  Questions or concerns:  There were no questions or concerns at this time.  Our next meeting was scheduled for Nov 8, 2023 at 3 pm in the elementary school conference room.