Community Council Minutes March 2, 2022
3 pm GVES Faculty Room
1. Review and approve minutes - Minutes were reviewed and approved. The motion was made by Kyleigh Bown and seconded by Marci Childs.
2. South Sanpete at a glance - The District prepared a flier that spotlights different accomplishments throughout the district. It was shared with the council.
3. Current Spending - The current spending report was shared with the council. All was in order and on track as expected.
4. Review Data - Data was compiled after recent testing was shared with the council. There were some concerns noted. There was an 11% downslide which was attributed to a number of different variables. Arleen has visited with the superintendent and some board members and is looking for ways to improve our testing outcomes. She and a group of teachers from our school traveled to Beaver county to observe different strategies that have been working in their schools. One note of improvement is the extra extended day kindergarten session. Teachers are seeing an improvement in these students academically.
5. Parent - teacher conferences - Spring conferences were recently held. Attendance was good. Conferences for fall are scheduled for October 3, 2022. Spring dates are still pending. The council would like to see conferences scheduled for the same times as the high school and middle school.
6. Next year’s plan - The Trustlands plan for the 2022-23 school year was discussed. Our goals were set after reviewing the current data. Our goals will be 80% proficiency in our Acadience testing for reading and math. We will work toward 50% proficiency on the RISE math and language arts test. Other areas of the plan will remain as previously stated. Our budget will be $95,445. A breakdown of spending was approved. Final draft of our plan will be approved at the April community council meeting.
7. Review Wellness Policy - Our wellness policy was reviewed. Our PE program is back in force after Austin was on vacation for a few days. Our students LOVE Austin!! Now that the weather is improving there will be more scheduled play outside. We are hoping that our fresh fruit and vegetable program will continue next year.
8. RISE Testing - Rise testing will start after spring break. Last year's scores were reviewed and we are looking at ways to improve.
9. May Day and other activities - May Day will be help on May 20, 2022 at 9:30. It will be held at the high school gymnasium. Reader night is planned for April 11, 2022. Teacher appreciation will be the first week of May.
10. Questions and concerns - The question was raised about early out Friday’s next year. That topic is currently being considered by the District and the Board. Council members were split in their feelings about getting out early on Fridays to allow for teacher prep time and professional development. Teachers were polled on the matter and they were split in their decision as well. Arleen will continue to work with the District and Board to be sure that the best choice for kids is reached.
School will start on August 18, 2022 Teachers are contracted to start on August 15, 2022. School will get out on May 27, 2022.
11. Our next meeting will be held on April 6, 2022 at 3 pm in the faculty room