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Community Council Minutes February 2, 2022
3:00 PM GVES Faculty Room

In attendance: Arleen Jensen, Marci Childs, Kyleigh Bown, Elise Bown, Erin Cherry, Kassie Donaldson. Absent: Rachel Jensen

  1. Review/Approve Minutes: Minutes from the November 3rd meeting were reviewed by committee members. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Marci Childs, second by Kassie Donaldson.
  2. Current Spending: Our current spending was reviewed by Arleen. All budgets are on track according to our plan. Figures were shared with committee members and can be reviewed in the office.
  3. Title 1/School-parent compact: Our School-Parent compact was reviewed with committee members. As a Titleone school we are required to establish responsibilities of the school, parent and student. These responsibilities are included in the School-Parent Compact. This information is shared through our first of the school year packet. All parents and students should receive a copy of it for review yearly. A copy of the compact can also be found in the office at any time. We talked about our emergency preparedness plans and discussed our plan for carrying our drills and lockdowns. Our most recent drill practice was held on January 11. We practiced a total evacuation fire drill. Mrs. Jensen explained how this drill is practiced now that procedures have changed from past years.
  4. Reading/Math data from MOY testing: Data from MOY testing in math and reading was shared with the committee. Parents will receive this information at parent conferences. Progress has been made but is not quite where we would like it to be. We will continue with our school wide plan and continue to work toward our specified goals.
  5. TSSA: Our TSSA spending is on track. It is similar to Trustlands spending and can be reviewed at any time by visiting the office.
  6. Review Wellness plan: We reviewed our wellness plan. Committee members were happy to hear that organized PE is back. Austin Zavatsky and Katherine Crawford are working with classes providing organized PE Classes for all grades. Our fresh fruit and vegetable program is still being provided. All students get the opportunity to taste and enjoy many different fruits and vegetables two times weekly. This program gives students exposure to healthy snacks that many would not have otherwise.
  7. Next year's plan: It is time to start thinking about what we would like in our plan next year. Committee members were asked to think about what they would like included in next year's plan. Some things that were discussed - 4th grade will all be doing the Rewards program. We would like to find a way to encourage more parent involvement in our school.
  8. Upcoming dates: Presidents day - Feb 21, PTC - Feb 22, Spring break March 28 - April 1, Mayday - May 20 @ 9:30. We are looking for a date for Reader night.
  9. Questions - Comments: There were no questions for comments at this time. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 2, 2022 at 3:00 pm.


Kyleigh Bown, Chairman